WCRP-CMIP CMIP6_CVs version:

Experiment IDs | Institution IDs | Source IDs | Source IDs (incl licenses) | Citations by (Source ID, Institution Id, Activity ID) | Citations by (Source ID, Institution Id, Activity ID, Experiment ID) |

experiment_id activity id experiment tier sub experiment id parent experiment id required model components additional allowed model components start year end year min number yrs per sim parent activity id description
experiment_id activity id experiment tier sub experiment id parent experiment id required model components additional allowed model components start year end year min number yrs per sim parent activity id description
1pctCO2 CMIP 1 percent per year increase in CO2 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 150 CMIP DECK: 1pctCO2
1pctCO2-4xext ISMIP6 extension from year 140 of 1pctCO2 with 4xCO2 1 none 1pctCO2 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 210 CMIP branched from 1pctCO2 run at year 140 and run with CO2 fixed at 4x pre-industrial concentration
1pctCO2-bgc C4MIP biogeochemically-coupled version of 1 percent per year increasing CO2 experiment 1 none piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 150 CMIP Biogeochemically-coupled specified concentration simulation in which CO2 increases at a rate of 1% per year until quadrupling
1pctCO2-cdr CDRMIP 1 percent per year decrease in CO2 from 4xCO2 1 none 1pctCO2 AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 200 CMIP 1 percent per year decrease in CO2 (immediately after reaching 4xCO2 in the 1pctCO2 simulation); then held constant at pre-industrial level (part of the CDR-reversibility experiment)
1pctCO2-rad C4MIP radiatively-coupled version of 1 percent per year increasing CO2 experiment 2 none piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 150 CMIP Radiatively-coupled specified concentration simulation in which CO2 increases at a rate of 1% per year until quadrupling
1pctCO2Ndep C4MIP 1 percent per year increasing CO2 experiment with increasing N-deposition 2 none piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 150 CMIP Fully-coupled specified concentration simulation in which CO2 increases at a rate of 1% per year until quadrupling, plus an additional scenario of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition
1pctCO2Ndep-bgc C4MIP biogeochemically-coupled version of 1 percent per year increasing CO2 experiment with increasing N-deposition 2 none piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 150 CMIP Biogeochemically-coupled specified concentration simulation in which CO2 increases at a rate of 1% per year until quadrupling, plus an additional scenario of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition
1pctCO2to4x-withism ISMIP6 simulation with interactive ice sheet forced by 1 percent per year increase in CO2 to 4xCO2 (subsequently held fixed) 1 none piControl-withism AOGCM ISM AER CHEM BGC 350 ISMIP6 Idealized 1%/yr CO2 increase to 4xC02 over 140yrs and kept constant at 4xCO2 for an additional 200 to 400 yrs simulation that includes interactive ice sheets
G1 GeoMIP abrupt quadrupling of CO2 plus reduction in total solar irradiance 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 100 CMIP Beginning from a preindustrial control run, simultaneously quadruple the CO2 concentration and reduce the solar constant such that the TOA radiative flux remains within +/m0.1 W/m2
G6SST1 GeoMIP SSTs, forcings, and other prescribed conditions from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5 2 none ssp585 AGCM AER CHEM 10 ScenarioMIP Time slice at 2020 (ScenarioMIP Tier 1 high forcing scenario)
G6SST2-solar GeoMIP SSTs from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2100 of G6solar 2 none G6solar AGCM AER CHEM 10 GeoMIP Time slice at 2100 (G6solar)
G6SST2-sulfur GeoMIP SSTs from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2100 of G6sulfur 2 none G6sulfur AGCM AER CHEM 10 GeoMIP Time slice at 2100 (G6sulfur)
G6solar GeoMIP total solar irradiance reduction to reduce net forcing from SSP585 to SSP245 1 none ssp585 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2100 81 ScenarioMIP Using solar irradiance reduction, return the radiative forcing from a background of the ScenarioMIP high forcing to the ScenarioMIP middle forcing
G6sulfur GeoMIP stratospheric sulfate aerosol injection to reduce net forcing from SSP585 to SSP245 1 none ssp585 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2100 81 ScenarioMIP Using equatorial SO2 injection, return the radiative forcing from a background of the ScenarioMIP high forcing to the ScenarioMIP middle forcing
G7SST1-cirrus GeoMIP SSTs from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5 and cirrus thinning 2 none ssp585 AGCM AER CHEM 10 ScenarioMIP Time slice at 2020 (ScenarioMIP Tier 1 high forcing scenario and cirrus thinning according to G7cirrus)
G7SST2-cirrus GeoMIP SSTs from year 2100 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2100 of G7cirrus 2 none G7cirrus AGCM AER CHEM 10 GeoMIP Time slice at 2100 (ScenarioMIP Tier 1 high forcing scenario and cirrus thinning according to G7cirrus)
G7cirrus GeoMIP increase cirrus ice crystal fall speed to reduce net forcing in SSP585 by 1 W m-2 2 none ssp585 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2100 81 ScenarioMIP Against a background of the ScenarioMIP high forcing, reduce cirrus cloud optical depth by a constant amount
a4SST CFMIP as piSST but with SSTs from abrupt-4xCO2 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 30 no parent As piSST, but with monthly-varying SSTs taken from years 111-140 of each model's own abrupt-4xCO2 experiment instead of from piControl. Sea-ice is unchanged from piSST
a4SSTice CFMIP as piSST but with SSTs and sea ice from abrupt-4xCO2 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 30 no parent As piSST, but with monthly-varying SSTs and sea-ice taken from years 111-140 of each model's own abrupt-4xCO2 experiment instead of from piControl
a4SSTice-4xCO2 CFMIP as piSST but with SSTs and sea ice from abrupt-4xCO2, and 4xCO2 seen by radiation and vegetation 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 30 no parent As a4SSTice, but CO2 is quadrupled, and the increase in CO2 is seen by both the radiation scheme and vegetation
abrupt-0p5xCO2 CFMIP abrupt halving of CO2 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 150 CMIP Identical to the DECK abrupt-4xCO2, but at 0.5xCO2
abrupt-2xCO2 CFMIP abrupt doubling of CO2 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 150 CMIP Identical to the DECK abrupt-4xCO2, but at 2xCO2
abrupt-4xCO2 CMIP abrupt quadrupling of CO2 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 150 CMIP DECK: abrupt-4xCO2
abrupt-solm4p CFMIP abrupt 4% decrease in solar constant 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 150 CMIP Conceptually similar to abrupt 4xCO2 DECK experiment, except that the solar constant rather than CO2 is abruptly reduced by 4%
abrupt-solp4p CFMIP abrupt 4% increase in solar constant 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 150 CMIP Conceptually similar to abrupt 4xCO2 DECK experiment, except that the solar constant rather than CO2 is abruptly increased by 4%
amip CMIP AMIP 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 no parent DECK: AMIP
amip-4xCO2 CFMIP AMIP SSTs with 4xCO2 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1979 2014 36 no parent As CMIP5/CFMIP-2 amip4xCO2 experiment. AMIP experiment where SSTs are held at control values and the CO2 seen by the radiation scheme is quadrupled
amip-TIP GMMIP same as "amip" run, but surface elevations of the Tibetan-Iranian Plateau and Himalayas reduced to 500m 3 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 no parent The topography of the TIP is modified by setting surface elevations to 500m; to understand the combined thermal and mechanical forcing of the TIP. Same model as DECK
amip-TIP-nosh GMMIP same as "amip" run, but sensible heat not allowed for elevations of the Tibetan-Iranian Plateau and Himalayas above 500m 3 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 no parent Surface sensible heat released at the elevation above 500m over the TIP is not allowed to heat the atmosphere. Same model as DECK
amip-a4SST-4xCO2 CFMIP as AMIP but with warming pattern from abrupt-4xCO2 added to SSTs and 4xCO2 seen by radiation and vegetation 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1979 2014 36 no parent Same as amip, but a patterned SST anomaly is applied on top of the monthly-varying amip SSTs. This anomaly is a monthly climatology, taken from each model's own abrupt-4xCO2 run minus piControl (using the mean of years 111-140 of abrupt-4xCO2, and the parallel 30-year section of piControl). CO2 is quadrupled, and the increase in CO2 is seen by both the radiation scheme and vegetation
amip-climSIC PAMIP AMIP with climatological SIC 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 CMIP PA5.2: investigate role of transient SST in recent climate change
amip-climSST PAMIP AMIP with climatological SST 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 CMIP PA5.1: investigate role of transient sea ice in recent climate change
amip-future4K CFMIP AMIP with patterned 4K SST increase 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1979 2014 36 no parent As CMIP5/CFMIP-2 amipFuture experiment. AMIP experiment where SSTs are subject to a composite SST warming pattern derived from coupled models, scaled to an ice-free ocean mean of 4K
amip-hist GMMIP AMIP-style simulation covering the period 1870-2014 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1870 2014 145 no parent Extended AMIP run that covers 1870-2014. All natural and anthropogenic historical forcings as used in CMIP6 Historical Simulation will be included. AGCM resolution as CMIP6 Historical Simulation. The HadISST data will be used
amip-hld GMMIP same as "amip" run, but surface elevations of the East African Highlands in Africa, Sierra Madre in N. America and Andes in S. America reduced to 500m 3 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 no parent The topography of the highlands in Africa, N. America and S. America TP is modified by setting surface elevations to a certain height (500m). Same model as DECK
amip-lfmip-pObs LS3MIP prescribed land (from pseudo-observations) and AMIP SSTs 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 no parent Land-hist land conditions; AMIP SSTs
amip-lfmip-pdLC LS3MIP prescribed modern land surface climatology from historical, prescribed SST and sea-ice from historical plus scenario runs 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 no parent Scenario forced experiment with prescribed land surface climatology derived from modern conditions from the first historical ensemble member (1980-2014). SST and sea-ice from the first ensemble members of the historical and ssp585 experiments
amip-lfmip-rmLC LS3MIP prescribed land surface climatology from historical plus scenario 30yr running mean, prescribed SST and sea-ice from historical plus scenario runs 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1979 2014 36 no parent Scenario forced experiment with prescribed land surface climatology derived from 30yr running mean from the first ensemble members of the historical and ssp585 experiments. SST and sea-ice from the first ensemble members of the historical and ssp585 experiments
amip-lwoff CFMIP AMIP experiment with longwave cloud-radiative effects off 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1979 2014 36 no parent As amip experiment, but with cloud-radiative effects switched off in the LW radiation code
amip-m4K CFMIP AMIP with uniform 4K SST decrease 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1979 2014 36 no parent As amip experiment but SSTs are subject to a uniform cooling of 4K
amip-p4K CFMIP AMIP with uniform 4K SST increase 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1979 2014 36 no parent As CMIP5/CFMIP-2 amip4K experiment. AMIP experiment where SSTs are subject to a uniform warming of 4K
amip-p4K-lwoff CFMIP AMIP experiment with uniform 4K SST increase and with longwave cloud radiative effects off 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1979 2014 36 no parent As amip-p4K experiment, but with cloud-radiative effects switched off in the LW radiation code
amip-piForcing CFMIP AMIP SSTs with pre-industrial anthropogenic and natural forcing 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 1870 2014 145 no parent Identical to standard AMIP experiment but from 1870-present with constant pre-industrial forcing levels (anthropogenic and natural)
aqua-4xCO2 CFMIP aquaplanet with control SST and 4xCO2 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 10 no parent Extended version of CMIP5/CFMIP-2 aqua4xCO2 experiment. Aquaplanet experiment where SSTs are held at control values and the CO2 seen by the radiation scheme is quadrupled
aqua-control CFMIP aquaplanet control 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 10 no parent Extended version of CMIP5/CFMIP-2 aquaControl experiment. Aquaplanet (no land) experiment with no seasonal cycle forced with specified zonally symmetric SSTs
aqua-control-lwoff CFMIP aquaplanet control with longwave cloud radiative effects off 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 10 no parent As aqua-control experiment, but with cloud-radiative effects switched off in the LW radiation code
aqua-p4K CFMIP aquaplanet with uniform 4K SST increase 1 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 10 no parent Extended version of CMIP5/CFMIP-2 aqua4K experiment. Aquaplanet experiment where SSTs are subject to a uniform warming of 4K
aqua-p4K-lwoff CFMIP aquaplanet with uniform 4K SST increase and with longwave cloud radiative effects off 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 10 no parent As aqua-p4K experiment, but with cloud-radiative effects switched off in the LW radiation code
control-1950 HighResMIP coupled control with fixed 1950's forcing (HighResMIP equivalent of pre-industrial control) 2 none spinup-1950 AOGCM AER 100 HighResMIP Coupled integrations with constant 1950"s forcing
control-slab VolMIP control with slab ocean 3 none no parent AGCM SLAB AER CHEM BGC 30 no parent slab control run for volc-pinatubo-slab
dcppA-assim DCPP Assimilation run paralleling the historical simulation, which may be used to generate hindcast initial conditions 2 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC before 1961 2016 56 no parent A2.3 Assimilation runs used to generate initial conditions for hindcasts
dcppA-hindcast DCPP hindcast initialized based on observations and using historical forcing 1 s1960 s1961 s1962 s1963 s1964 s1965 s1966 s1967 s1968 s1969 s1970 s1971 s1972 s1973 s1974 s1975 s1976 s1977 s1978 s1979 s1980 s1981 s1982 s1983 s1984 s1985 s1986 s1987 s1988 s1989 s1990 s1991 s1992 s1993 s1994 s1995 s1996 s1997 s1998 s1999 s2000 s2001 s2002 s2003 s2004 s2005 s2006 s2007 s2008 s2009 s2010 s2011 s2012 s2013 s2014 s2015 s2016 s2017 s2018 s2019 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC a year in the range 1960-2019 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP A1 (and A2.1, A3.1, and A3.2) Decadal hindcasts begun near the end of each year from 1960 to 2019, or every other year at minimum. First full hindcast year follows start year (e.g., for s1960, first full hindcast year is 1961)
dcppA-hindcast-niff DCPP hindcast initialized based on observations but without using knowledge of subsequent historical forcing 4 s1960 s1961 s1962 s1963 s1964 s1965 s1966 s1967 s1968 s1969 s1970 s1971 s1972 s1973 s1974 s1975 s1976 s1977 s1978 s1979 s1980 s1981 s1982 s1983 s1984 s1985 s1986 s1987 s1988 s1989 s1990 s1991 s1992 s1993 s1994 s1995 s1996 s1997 s1998 s1999 s2000 s2001 s2002 s2003 s2004 s2005 s2006 s2007 s2008 s2009 s2010 s2011 s2012 s2013 s2014 s2015 s2016 s2017 s2018 s2019 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC a year in the range 1960-2019 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP A4.1 Decadal hindcasts begun near the end of each year from 1960 to 2019, or every other year at minimum, but with no information from the future. First full hindcast year follows start year (e.g., for s1960, first full hindcast year is 1961)
dcppA-historical-niff DCPP hindcast initialized from historical climate simulation but without using knowledge of subsequent historical forcing 4 s1960 s1961 s1962 s1963 s1964 s1965 s1966 s1967 s1968 s1969 s1970 s1971 s1972 s1973 s1974 s1975 s1976 s1977 s1978 s1979 s1980 s1981 s1982 s1983 s1984 s1985 s1986 s1987 s1988 s1989 s1990 s1991 s1992 s1993 s1994 s1995 s1996 s1997 s1998 s1999 s2000 s2001 s2002 s2003 s2004 s2005 s2006 s2007 s2008 s2009 s2010 s2011 s2012 s2013 s2014 s2015 s2016 s2017 s2018 s2019 historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC a year in the range 1960-2019 5 - 10 years after start year 5 CMIP A4.2 Hindcasts initialized from historical climate simulations as in DCPP-A2.2, but with no information from the future. First full hindcast year follows start year (e.g., for s1960, first full hindcast year is 1961)
dcppB-forecast DCPP forecast initialized from observations with forcing from ssp245 1 s2017 s2018 s2019 s2020 s2021 s2022 s2023 s2024 s2025 s2026 s2027 s2028 s2029 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC a year in the range 2017-2029 5 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP B1 (and B2.1, B2.2) Ongoing decadal forecasts. First full forecast year follows start year (e.g., for s2017, first full forecast year is 2018)
dcppC-amv-ExTrop-neg DCPP Idealized climate impact of negative extratropical AMV anomaly pattern 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.7 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-amv-ExTrop-pos DCPP Idealized climate impact of positive extratropical AMV anomaly pattern 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.7Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-amv-Trop-neg DCPP Idealized climate impact of negative tropical AMV anomaly pattern 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.8 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-amv-Trop-pos DCPP idealized positive tropical AMV anomaly pattern 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.8 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-amv-neg DCPP Idealized climate impact of negative AMV anomaly pattern 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.3 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-amv-pos DCPP Idealized climate impact of positive AMV anomaly pattern 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.2 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-atl-control DCPP Idealized Atlantic control 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.1 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-atl-pacemaker DCPP pacemaker Atlantic experiment 3 s1910 s1920 s1950 historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1910, 1920 or 1950 2014 65 CMIP C1.11 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-atl-spg DCPP predictability of 1990s warming of Atlantic sub-polar gyre 3 s1992 s1993 s1994 s1995 s1996 s1997 s1998 s1999 no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC A year in the range 1992-1999 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent C2.1 (and C2.2) Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs. First full hindcast year follows start year (e.g., for s1992, first full hindcast year is 1993)
dcppC-forecast-addAgung DCPP 2015 forecast with added Agung forcing 3 s2014 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2014 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP C3.4 Effects of volcanoes on decadal prediction and predictability of forced and internal variability components. First full hindcast year is 2015
dcppC-forecast-addElChichon DCPP 2015 forecast with added El Chichon forcing 3 s2014 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2014 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP C3.5 Effects of volcanoes on decadal prediction and predictability of forced and internal variability components. First full hindcast year is 2015
dcppC-forecast-addPinatubo DCPP VolMIP 2015 forecast with added Pinatubo forcing 1 s2014 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2014 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP C3.6 Effects of volcanoes on decadal prediction and predictability of forced and internal variability components. First full hindcast year is 2015
dcppC-hindcast-noAgung DCPP hindcast but with only background volcanic forcing to be the same as that used in the 2015 forecast 2 s1962 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1962 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP C3.3 Effects of volcanoes on decadal prediction and predictability of forced and internal variability components. First full hindcast year is 1962
dcppC-hindcast-noElChichon DCPP hindcast but with only background volcanic forcing to be the same as that used in the 2015 forecast 2 s1981 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1981 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP C3.2 Effects of volcanoes on decadal prediction and predictability of forced and internal variability components. First full hindcast year is 1982
dcppC-hindcast-noPinatubo DCPP hindcast but with only background volcanic forcing to be the same as that used in the 2015 forecast 1 s1990 no parent dcppA-assim AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1990 5 - 10 years after start year 5 no parent DCPP C3.1 Effects of volcanoes on decadal prediction and predictability of forced and internal variability components. First full hindcast year is 1991
dcppC-ipv-NexTrop-neg DCPP idealized negative northern extratropical IPV anomaly pattern 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.9 and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-ipv-NexTrop-pos DCPP idealized positive northern extratropical IPV anomaly pattern 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.9 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-ipv-neg DCPP idealized negative IPV anomaly pattern 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.6 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-ipv-pos DCPP idealized positive IPV anomaly pattern 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.5 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-pac-control DCPP idealized Pacific control 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 10 CMIP C1.4 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs
dcppC-pac-pacemaker DCPP pacemaker Pacific experiment 3 s1910 s1920 s1950 historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1910, 1920 or 1950 2014 65 CMIP C1.10 Mechanisms and predictability of the hiatus and of similar long timescale variations of both signs. First full hindcast year is 2015
deforest-globe LUMIP idealized transient global deforestation 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 81 CMIP Idealized deforestation experiment, 20 million km2 forest removed linearly over a period of 50 years, with an additional 30 years with no specified change in forest cover; all other forcings held constant
esm-1pct-brch-1000PgC C4MIP CDRMIP zero emissions simulation branched from 1% run after 1000 PgC cumulative emission 2 none 1pctCO2 esm-1pctCO2 AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 100 CMIP C4MIP A zero-emissions simulation (fully interactive CO2; emissions-driven configuration), initiated from the point in the 1pctCO2 experiment when the cumulative carbon emissions reach 1000 PgC
esm-1pct-brch-2000PgC C4MIP CDRMIP zero emissions simulation branched from 1% run after 2000 PgC cumulative emission 3 none 1pctCO2 esm-1pctCO2 AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 100 CMIP C4MIP A zero-emissions simulation (fully interactive CO2; emissions-driven configuration), initiated from the point in the 1pctCO2 experiment when the cumulative carbon emissions reach 2000 PgC
esm-1pct-brch-750PgC C4MIP CDRMIP zero emissions simulation branched from 1% run after 750 PgC cumulative emission 3 none 1pctCO2 esm-1pctCO2 AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 100 CMIP C4MIP A zero-emissions simulation (fully interactive CO2; emissions-driven configuration), initiated from the point in the 1pctCO2 experiment when the cumulative carbon emissions reach 750 PgC
esm-1pctCO2 C4MIP CDRMIP emissions driven 1% run 3 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 150 CMIP An emissions-driven simulation (fully interactive CO2), initiated from the esm-piControl using CO2 emissions diagnosed from the 1pctCO2 experiment so that the emissions-driven run replicates as closely as possible the 1pctCO2 concentration profile
esm-bell-1000PgC C4MIP CDRMIP emissions driven 1000PgC bell-curve 3 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 200 CMIP An emissions-driven simulation (fully interactive CO2), initiated from esm-piControl using CO2 emissions, amounting to 1000 PgC, following a bell-shape curve for 100 years followed by zero-emissions for 100 years
esm-bell-2000PgC C4MIP CDRMIP emissions driven 2000PgC bell-curve 3 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 200 CMIP An emissions-driven simulation (fully interactive CO2), initiated from esm-piControl using CO2 emissions, amounting to 2000 PgC, following a bell-shape curve for 100 years followed by zero-emissions for 100 years
esm-bell-750PgC C4MIP CDRMIP emissions driven 750PgC bell-curve 3 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 200 CMIP An emissions-driven simulation (fully interactive CO2), initiated from esm-piControl using CO2 emissions, amounting to 750 PgC, following a bell-shape curve for 100 years followed by zero-emissions for 100 years
esm-hist CMIP all-forcing simulation of the recent past with atmospheric CO2 concentration calculated 1 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 1850 2014 165 CMIP CMIP6 historical (CO2 emission-driven)
esm-hist-ext CMIP post-2014 all-forcing simulation with atmospheric CO2 concentration calculated 2 none esm-hist AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2015 present 1 CMIP Extension beyond 2014 of the CMIP6 historical (CO2 emission-driven)
esm-past1000 PMIP last millennium experiment with interactive carbon cycle 3 none no parent AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 850 1849 1000 no parent Parallel experiment to past1000, but for model set-ups with interactive carbon cycle. Main forcings: trace gases, volcanoes, solar variability, land-use
esm-pi-CO2pulse CDRMIP pulse addition of 100 Gt carbon to pre-industrial atmosphere 1 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 100 CMIP 100 Gt C instantly added (positive pulse) to a pre-industrial atmosphere (part of the CDR-pi-pulse experiment)
esm-pi-cdr-pulse CDRMIP pulse removal of 100 Gt carbon from pre-industrial atmosphere 1 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 100 CMIP 100 Gt C instantly removed (negative pulse) from a pre-industrial atmosphere (part of the CDR-pi-pulse experiment)
esm-piControl CMIP pre-industrial control simulation with CO2 concentration calculated 1 none esm-piControl-spinup AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 500 CMIP DECK: control (emission-driven)
esm-piControl-spinup CMIP pre-industrial control simulation with CO2 concentration calculated (spin-up) 2 none no parent AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 100 no parent DECK: spin-up portion of the control (emission-driven)
esm-ssp534-over CDRMIP emission-driven SSP5-3.4-OS scenario 2 none esm-ssp585 AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2040 2100 or 2300 61 C4MIP CO2 emissions driven SSP5-3.4 overshoot scenario simulation optionally extending to year 2300 (part of the CDR-overshoot experiment)
esm-ssp585 C4MIP emission-driven RCP8.5 based on SSP5 1 none esm-hist AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2015 2100 86 CMIP Emissions-driven future scenario simulation
esm-ssp585-ocn-alk CDRMIP emission-driven SSP5-8.5 scenario but with ocean alkalinization from year 2020 onward 2 none esm-ssp585 AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2020 2100 or 2300 81 C4MIP emission driven SSP5-8.5 scenario with 0.14 Pmol/yr alkalinity added to ice free ocean surface waters from 2020 optionally extended from 2100 to 2300 (part of the CDR-ocean-alk experiment)
esm-ssp585-ocn-alk-stop CDRMIP emission-driven SSP5-8.5 scenario with alkalinization terminated in year 2070 3 none esm-ssp585-ocn-alk AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2070 2100 31 CDRMIP Simulation of abrupt termination of ocean alkalinsation in 2070 during an emission driven SSP5-8.5 scenario (part of the CDR-ocean-alk experiment)
esm-ssp585-ssp126Lu LUMIP emissions-driven SSP5-8.5 with SSP1-2.6 land use 1 none esm-hist AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2015 2100 86 CMIP Additional land use policy sensitivity simulation for high radiative forcing scenario, keep all forcings the same as in C4MIP esmssp5-8.5 scenario except use SSP1-2.6 land use; emission driven
esm-ssp585-ssp126Lu-ext CDRMIP extension of the LUMIP emissions-driven simulation following SSP5-8.5 with SSP1-2.6 land use 2 none esm-ssp585-ssp126Lu AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2101 2300 200 LUMIP Long term extension of CO2 emissions driven SSP5-8.5 with SSP1-2.6 land use forcing (part of the CDR-afforestation experiment)
esm-ssp585ext CDRMIP emission-driven long-term extension of the SSP5-8.5 scenario 2 none esm-ssp585 AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2101 2300 200 C4MIP Long term extension of CO2 emissions driven SSP5-8.5 scenario (used in the CDR-afforestation and CDR-ocean-alk experiments)
esm-yr2010CO2-CO2pulse CDRMIP instantaneous 100 Gt C addition to an industrial era atmosphere 3 none esm-yr2010CO2-control AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2015 2115 101 CDRMIP Upon initialization from end of year 2015 of esm-yr2010CO2-control instantaneously introduce 100 Gt C ("positive pulse"; part of the CDR-yr2010-pulse experiment)
esm-yr2010CO2-cdr-pulse CDRMIP instantaneous 100 Gt C removal from industrial era atmosphere 3 none esm-yr2010CO2-control AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2015 2115 101 CDRMIP Upon initialization from end of year 2015 of esm-yr2010CO2-control instantaneously remove 100 Gt C ("negative pulse"; part of the CDR-yr2010-pulse experiment
esm-yr2010CO2-control CDRMIP historical emissions followed by fixed 2010 emissions (both model-diagnosed) 3 none esm-piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 1850 2115 266 CDRMIP Forced with CO2 emissions diagnosed from historical and yr2010CO2 simulations and all other forcings the same as in that simulation (part of the CDR-yr2010-pulse experiment)
esm-yr2010CO2-noemit CDRMIP branches from esm-yr2010CO2-control with zero emissions 3 none esm-yr2010CO2-control AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2015 2115 101 CDRMIP Upon initialization from end of year 2015 of esm-yr2010-control CO2 emissions are fixed at zero; all other forcing fixed at 2010 level (part of the CDR-yr2010-pulse experiment)
faf-all FAFMIP control plus perturbative surface fluxes of momentum, heat and water into ocean 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, forced over the ocean simultaneously by surface windstress (as in the wind experiment), net heat flux (as in the heat experiment) and net freshwater flux (as in the water experiment) anomalies obtained from the CMIP5 ensemble mean of 1pctCO2 experiments at the time of 2xCO2, using a passive tracer to prevent negative climate feedback on the heat flux applied
faf-antwater-stress FAFMIP control plus perturbative surface fluxes of momentum and freshwater into ocean, the latter around the coast of Antarctica only 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, forced over the ocean with the momentum flux perturbation field of faf-stress and a surface freshwater flux of 0.1 Sv in total to be applied uniformly around the coast of Antarctica in whatever way is most suitable in the model
faf-heat FAFMIP control plus perturbative surface flux of heat into ocean 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, forced over the ocean by surface net heat flux anomalies obtained from the CMIP5 ensemble mean of 1pctCO2 experiments at the time of 2xCO2, using a passive tracer to prevent negative climate feedback on the heat flux applied
faf-heat-NA0pct FAFMIP control plus perturbative surface flux of heat into ocean 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, forced over the ocean by the same method and with the same surface net heat flux perturbation field as in faf-heat, except that within part of the North Atlantic ocean the perturbation is zero
faf-heat-NA50pct FAFMIP control plus perturbative surface flux of heat into ocean 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, forced over the ocean by the same method and with the same surface net heat flux perturbation field as in faf-heat, except that within part of the North Atlantic ocean the perturbation is multiplied by 0.5
faf-passiveheat FAFMIP control plus surface flux of passive heat tracer into ocean 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, with a flux of passive tracer added at the ocean surface at the same rate as the surface net heat flux anomaly applied in the FAFMIP heat experiment
faf-stress FAFMIP control plus perturbative surface flux of momentum into ocean 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, forced over the ocean by surface windstress anomalies obtained from the CMIP5 ensemble mean of 1pctCO2 experiments at the time of 2xCO2
faf-water FAFMIP control plus perturbative surface flux of water into ocean 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 70 CMIP 1xCO2 experiment, parallel to piControl, forced over the ocean by surface net freshwater flux anomalies obtained from the CMIP5 ensemble mean of 1pctCO2 experiments at the time of 2xCO2
futSST-pdSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with future SST and present day SIC 2 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.4: investigate role of SST in polar amplification
futureSST-4xCO2-solar GeoMIP year 100 SSTs from abrupt-4xCO2 with quadrupled CO2 and solar reduction 2 none G1 AGCM AER CHEM 10 GeoMIP Time slice at year 100 of G1ext to examine radiative forcing of abrupt-4xCO2 and G1
highres-future HighResMIP coupled future 2015-2050 using a scenario as close to CMIP5 RCP8.5 as possible within CMIP6 2 none hist-1950 AOGCM AER 2015 2050 36 HighResMIP Coupled integrations with SSP5 forcing (nearest to CMIP5 RCP8.5 (as in highresSST-future)
highresSST-4xCO2 HighResMIP highresSST-present SST with 4xCO2 concentrations 3 none highresSST-present AGCM AER 1979 2014 36 HighResMIP Similar to CFMIP amip-4xCO2, SSTs are held at highresSST-present values and the CO2 seen by the radiation scheme is quadrupled
highresSST-LAI HighResMIP common LAI dataset within the highresSST-present experiment 3 none highresSST-present AGCM AER 1979 2014 36 HighResMIP Forced global atmosphere-land simulations as highresSST-present, but using an common LAI dataset across models
highresSST-future HighResMIP forced atmosphere experiment for 2015-2050 using SST/sea-ice derived from CMIP5 RCP8.5 simulations and a scenario as close to RCP8.5 as possible within CMIP6 3 none highresSST-present AGCM AER 2015 2050 36 HighResMIP Extend highresSST-present to 2050 with agreed SSP5/RCP8.5 forcings (with option to extend further to 2100)
highresSST-p4K HighResMIP uniform 4K warming of highresSST-present SST 3 none highresSST-present AGCM AER 1979 2014 36 HighResMIP Similar to CFMIP amip-p4K, add a uniform warming of 4K to highresSST-present SSTs and run the experiment parallel to highresSST-present
highresSST-present HighResMIP forced atmosphere experiment for 1950-2014 1 none no parent AGCM AER 1950 2014 65 no parent Forced global atmosphere-land simulations using daily 1/4 degree SST and sea-ice forcings, and aerosol optical properties (not emissions) to constrain model spread
highresSST-smoothed HighResMIP smoothed SST version of highresSST-present 3 none highresSST-present AGCM AER 1979 2014 36 HighResMIP Forced global atmosphere-land simulations as highresSST-present, but using smoothed SST to investigate impact of SST variability
hist-1950 HighResMIP coupled historical 1950-2014 2 none spinup-1950 AOGCM AER 1950 2014 65 HighResMIP Coupled integrations with historic external forcings (as in highresSST-present)
hist-1950HC AerChemMIP historical forcing, but with1950s halocarbon concentrations; initialized in 1950 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1950 2014 65 CMIP Historical WMGHG concentrations and NTCF emissions, 1950 halocarbon concentrations, start 1950
hist-CO2 DAMIP historical CO2-only run 3 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical CO2-only run
hist-GHG DAMIP historical well-mixed GHG-only run 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical well-mixed GHG-only run. Models with interactive chemistry schemes should either turn off the chemistry or use a preindustrial climatology of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone in their radiation schemes. This will ensure that ozone is fixed in all these simulations, and simulated responses in models with and without coupled chemistry are comparable
hist-GHG-cmip5 DAMIP historical well-mixed GHG-only run (CMIP5-era historical [1850-2005] and RCP4.5 [2006-2020] forcing) 3 none piControl-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP historical well-mixed GHG-only run. Models with interactive chemistry schemes should either turn off the chemistry or use a preindustrial climatology of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone in their radiation schemes. This will ensure that ozone is fixed in all these simulations, and simulated responses in models with and without coupled chemistry are comparable (CMIP5-era historical [1850-2005] and RCP4.5 [2006-2020] forcing)
hist-aer DAMIP historical anthropogenic aerosols-only run 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP historical anthropogenic aerosols-only run
hist-aer-cmip5 DAMIP historical anthropogenic aerosols-only run (CMIP5-era historical [1850-2005] and RCP4.5 [2006-2020] forcing) 3 none piControl-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP historical anthropogenic aerosols-only run (CMIP5-era historical [1850-2005] and RCP4.5 [2006-2020] forcing)
hist-all-aer2 DAMIP historical ALL-forcing run with alternate estimates of aerosol forcing 3 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical ALL forcing run with alternate estimates of aerosol concentrations/emissions
hist-all-nat2 DAMIP historical ALL-forcing run with alternate estimates of natural forcing 3 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical ALL forcing run with alternates estimate of solar and volcanic forcing
hist-bgc C4MIP biogeochemically-coupled version of the simulation of the recent past with CO2 concentration prescribed 2 none piControl AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 1850 2014 165 CMIP Concentration-driven historical simulation, biogeochemically-coupled
hist-nat DAMIP historical natural-only run 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical natural-only run
hist-nat-cmip5 DAMIP historical natural-only run (CMIP5-era historical [1850-2005] and RCP4.5 [2006-2020] forcing) 3 none piControl-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP historical natural-only run (CMIP5-era historical [1850-2005] and RCP4.5 [2006-2020] forcing)
hist-noLu LUMIP historical with no land-use change 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Same as CMIP6 historical but with land cover held at 1850, no human activity; concentration driven
hist-piAer AerChemMIP historical forcing, but with pre-industrial aerosol emissions 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical WMGHG, halocarbon concentrations and O3 precursor emissions, 1850 aerosol precursor emissions
hist-piNTCF AerChemMIP historical forcing, but with pre-industrial NTCF emissions 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical WMGHG and halocarbons concentrations, 1850 NTCF emissions
hist-resAMO GMMIP initialized from "historical" run year 1870 and SSTs in the AMO domain (0deg-70degN, 70degW-0deg) restored to AMIP SSTs with historical forcings 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1870 2014 145 CMIP Pacemaker 20th century historical run that includes all forcing as used in CMIP6 Historical Simulation, and the observational historical SST is restored in the AMO domain (0deg-70degN, 70degW-0deg)
hist-resIPO GMMIP initialized from "historical" run year 1870 and SSTs in tropical lobe of the IPO domain (20degS-20degN, 175degE-75degW) restored to AMIP SSTs with historical forcings 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1870 2014 145 CMIP Pacemaker 20th century historical run that includes all forcing as used in CMIP6 Historical Simulation, and the observational historical SST is restored in the tropical lobe of the IPO domain (20degS-20degN, 175degE-75degW)
hist-sol DAMIP historical solar-only run 3 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical solar-only transient simulation using settings from CMIP6 historical simulation but fixed GHG and ODS (1850 level)
hist-spAer-aer RFMIP historical simulation with specified anthropogenic aerosols, no other forcings 2 none piControl AOGCM CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Prescribed anthropogenic aerosol optical properties. Changes in aerosols only
hist-spAer-all RFMIP historical simulation with specified anthropogenic aerosols 1 none piControl AOGCM CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Prescribed anthropogenic aerosol optical properties. All forcings
hist-stratO3 DAMIP historical stratospheric ozone-only run 2 none piControl AOGCM AER BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical stratospheric ozone-only. In models with coupled chemistry, the chemistry scheme should be turned off, and the simulated ensemble mean monthly mean 3D stratospheric ozone concentrations from the CMIP6 historical simulations should be prescribed. Tropospheric ozone should be fixed at 3D long-term monthly mean piControl values, with a value of 100 ppbv ozone concentration in this piControl climatology used to separate the troposphere from the stratosphere. In models without coupled chemistry the same stratospheric ozone prescribed in the CMIP6 historical simulations should be prescribed. Stratospheric ozone concentrations will be provided by CCMI
hist-totalO3 DAMIP historical total ozone-only run 3 none piControl AOGCM AER BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical total ozone-only. In models with coupled chemistry, the chemistry scheme should be turned off, and the simulated ensemble mean monthly mean 3D ozone concentrations from the CMIP6 historical simulations should be prescribed through the depth of the atmosphere. In models without coupled chemistry the same ozone prescribed in the CMIP6 historical simulations should be prescribed
hist-volc DAMIP historical volcanic-only run 3 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2020 171 CMIP Historical volcanic-only run
histSST AerChemMIP historical prescribed SSTs and historical forcing 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical transient with SSTs prescribed from historical
histSST-1950HC AerChemMIP historical SSTs and historical forcing, but with 1950 halocarbon concentrations. Experiment is initialized from histSST (AerChemMIP) simulation from January 1950 1 none histSST AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1950 2014 65 AerChemMIP Historical WMGHG concentrations and NTCF emissions, 1950 halocarbon concentrations
histSST-noLu AerChemMIP historical SSTs and historical forcing, but with pre-industrial LULCC 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP An uncoupled (atmosphere and land) experiment in which sea surface temperatures (SST) and sea ice concentrations (SICONC) are taken from historical (as in existing histSST experiment). All forcing agents to follow historical except LULCC. LULCC set to 1850 (exactly following hist-noLu prescription)
histSST-piAer AerChemMIP historical SSTs and historical forcing, but with pre-industrial aerosol emissions 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical WMGHG, halocarbon concentrations and tropospheric ozone precursors emissions, 1850 aerosol precursor emissions, prescribed SSTs
histSST-piCH4 AerChemMIP historical SSTs and historical forcing, but with pre-industrial methane concentrations 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical (non-CH4) WMGHG concentrations and NTCF emissions, 1850 CH4 concentrations
histSST-piN2O AerChemMIP historical SSTs and historical forcings, but with pre-industrial N2O concentrations 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical (non-N2O) WMGHG concentrations and NTCF emissions, 1850 N2O concentrations
histSST-piNTCF AerChemMIP historical SSTs and historical forcing, but with pre-industrial NTCF emissions 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical WMGHG concentrations and halocarbons emissions, 1850 NTCF emissions, prescribed SSTs
histSST-piO3 AerChemMIP historical SSTs and historical forcing, but with pre-industrial ozone precursor emissions 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP Historical WMGHG, halocarbon concentrations and aerosol precursor emissions, 1850 tropospheric ozone precursors emissions, prescribed SSTs
historical CMIP all-forcing simulation of the recent past 1 none piControl past1000 past2k AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 CMIP PMIP CMIP6 historical
historical-cmip5 CMIP all-forcing simulation of the recent past (CMIP5-era [1850-2005] forcing) 2 none piControl-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2005 156 CMIP CMIP5 historical experiment, using CMIP5-era [1850-2005] forcing
historical-ext CMIP post-2014 all-forcing simulation 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 present 1 CMIP Extension beyond 2014 of the CMIP6 historical
historical-withism ISMIP6 historical with interactive ice sheet 2 none piControl-withism AOGCM ISM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2014 165 ISMIP6 Historical simulation that includes interactive ice sheets. Set up follows the historical experiment
ism-1pctCO2to4x-self ISMIP6 offline ice sheet model forced by ISM's own AOGCM 1pctCO2to4x output 1 none ism-piControl-self ISM 350 ISMIP6 Idealized 1%/yr CO2 increase to 4xC02 over 140yrs and kept constant at 4xCO2 for an additional 200 to 400 yrs simulation with ice sheets forced "offline" with DECK 1pctCO2 using forcing from its own AOGCM
ism-1pctCO2to4x-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet model forced by ISMIP6-specified AOGCM 1pctCO2to4x output 1 none ism-pdControl-std ISM 350 ISMIP6 Idealized 1%/yr CO2 increase to 4xC02 over 140yrs and kept constant at 4xCO2 for an additional 200 to 400 yrs simulation with ice sheets forced "offline" with DECK 1pctCO2 using a standard forcing
ism-amip-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISMIP6-specified AGCM AMIP output 3 none ism-ctrl-std ISM 1979 2014 36 ISMIP6 Offline ice sheet evolution for the last few decades forced by amip
ism-asmb-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by initMIP synthetic atmospheric experiment 1 none ism-ctrl-std ISM 100 ISMIP6 Offline ice sheet simulation with synthetic atmospheric dataset to explore the uncertainty in sea level due to ice sheet initialization
ism-bsmb-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by initMIP synthetic oceanic experiment 1 none ism-ctrl-std ISM 100 ISMIP6 Offline ice sheet simulation with synthetic oceanic dataset to explore the uncertainty in sea level due to ice sheet initialization
ism-ctrl-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet model initMIP control 1 none no parent ISM 100 no parent Offline ice sheet control run for the initMIP experiment that explores the uncertainty in sea level due to ice sheet initialization
ism-historical-self ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISM's own AOGCM historical output 2 none ism-piControl-self ISM 1850 2014 165 ISMIP6 Historical simulation using "offline" ice sheet models. Forcing for ice sheet model is from its own AOGCM
ism-historical-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISMIP6-specified AOGCM historical output 2 none ism-pdControl-std ISM 1850 2014 165 ISMIP6 Historical simulation using "offline" ice sheet models. Forcing for ice sheet model is the standard dataset based on CMIP6 AOGCM historical
ism-lig127k-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISMIP6-specified AGCM last interglacial output 3 none no parent ISM 20000 no parent Last interglacial simulation of ice sheet evolution driven by PMIP lig127k
ism-pdControl-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISMIP6-specified AOGCM pdControl output 1 none no parent ISM 100 no parent Present-day control simulation for "offline" ice sheets
ism-piControl-self ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISM's own AOGCM piControl output 1 none no parent ISM 500 no parent Pre-industrial control simulation for "offline" ice sheets
ism-ssp585-self ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISM's own AOGCM ssp585 output 2 none ism-historical-self ISM 2015 2100 or 2300 86 ISMIP6 Future climate ScenarioMIP SSP5-8.5 simulation using "offline" ice sheet models. Forcing for ice sheet model is from its own AOGCM
ism-ssp585-std ISMIP6 offline ice sheet forced by ISMIP6-specified AOGCM ssp585 output 2 none ism-historical-std ISM 2015 2100 or 2300 86 ISMIP6 Future climate ScenarioMIP SSP5-8.5 simulation using "offline" ice sheet models. Forcing for ice sheet model is the standard dataset based on ScenarioMIP ssp585
land-cCO2 LUMIP historical land-only constant CO2 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist except with CO2 held constant
land-cClim LUMIP historical land-only constant climate 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist except with climate held constant
land-crop-grass LUMIP historical land-only with cropland as natural grassland 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist but with all new crop and pastureland treated as unmanaged grassland
land-crop-noFert LUMIP historical land-only with no fertilizer 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist but with fertilization rates and area held at 1850 levels/distribution
land-crop-noIrrig LUMIP historical land-only with no irrigation 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist but with irrigated area held at 1850 levels
land-crop-noIrrigFert LUMIP historical land-only with managed crops but with irrigation and fertilization held constant 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist except with plants in cropland area utilizing at least some form of crop management (e.g., planting and harvesting) rather than simulating cropland vegetation as a natural grassland. Irrigated area and fertilizer area/use should be held constant
land-hist LS3MIP LUMIP historical land-only 1 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Land only simulations
land-hist-altLu1 LUMIP historical land-only alternate land-use history 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Land only simulations
land-hist-altLu2 LUMIP historical land-only alternate land use history 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Land only simulations
land-hist-altStartYear LUMIP historical land-only alternate start year 1 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist except starting from either 1700 (for models that typically start in 1850) or 1850 (for models that typically start in 1700)
land-hist-cruNcep LS3MIP as land-hist with CRU-NCEP forcings 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 2014 165 no parent Land only simulations
land-hist-princeton LS3MIP as land-hist with Princeton forcings 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 2014 165 no parent Land only simulations
land-hist-wfdei LS3MIP as land-hist with WFDEI forcings 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 2014 165 no parent Land only simulations
land-noFire LUMIP historical land-only with no human fire management 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist but with anthropogenic ignition and suppression held to 1850 levels
land-noLu LUMIP historical land-only with no land-use change 1 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist except no land-use change
land-noPasture LUMIP historical land-only with constant pastureland 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist but with grazing and other management on pastureland held at 1850 levels/distribution, i.e. all new pastureland is treated as unmanaged grassland (as in land-crop-grass)
land-noShiftCultivate LUMIP historical land-only with shifting cultivation turned off 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist except shifting cultivation turned off. An additional LUC transitions dataset will be provided as a data layer within LUMIP LUH2 dataset with shifting cultivation deactivated
land-noWoodHarv LUMIP historical land-only with no wood harvest 2 none no parent LAND BGC 1850 or 1700 2014 165 no parent Same as land-hist but with wood harvest maintained at 1850 amounts/areas
land-ssp126 LS3MIP future ssp1-2.6 land only 1 none no parent LAND BGC 2015 2100 86 no parent land only simulation for ssp1-2.6
land-ssp434 LS3MIP future ssp4-3.4 land only 2 none no parent LAND BGC 2015 2100 86 no parent land only simulation for ssp4-3.4
land-ssp585 LS3MIP future ssp5-8.5 land only 1 none no parent LAND BGC 2015 2100 86 no parent land only simulation for ssp5-8.5
lfmip-initLC LS3MIP initialized from "historical" run year 1980, but with land conditions initialized from pseudo-observations 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2014 35 CMIP Initialized pseudo-observations land
lfmip-pdLC LS3MIP prescribed land conditions (from current climate climatology) and initialized from "historical" run year 1980 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 1980-2014 climate
lfmip-pdLC-cruNcep LS3MIP as LFMIP-pdLC with Land-Hist-cruNcep 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 1980-2014 climate with Land-Hist-cruNcep
lfmip-pdLC-princeton LS3MIP as LFMIP-pdLC with Land-Hist-princeton 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 1980-2014 climate with Land-Hist-princeton
lfmip-pdLC-wfdei LS3MIP as LFMIP-pdLC with Land-Hist-wfdei 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 1980-2014 climate with Land-Hist-wfdei
lfmip-rmLC LS3MIP prescribed land conditions (from running mean climatology) and initialized from "historical" run year 1980 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 30yr running mean
lfmip-rmLC-cruNcep LS3MIP as LFMIP-rmLC with Land-Hist-cruNcep 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 30yr running mean with Land-Hist-cruNcep
lfmip-rmLC-princeton LS3MIP as LFMIP-rmLC with Land-Hist-princeton 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 30yr running mean with Land-Hist-princeton
lfmip-rmLC-wfdei LS3MIP as LFMIP-rmLC with Land-Hist-wfdei 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1980 2100 121 CMIP Prescribed land conditions 30yr running mean with Land-Hist-wfdei
lgm PMIP last glacial maximum 1 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 100 no parent main forcings: ice-sheet; trace gases, astronomical parameters, dust (forcing, or feedback if dust cycle represented in model)
lig127k PMIP last interglacial (127k) 1 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 100 no parent main forcings: astronomical parameters, trace gases, dust (forcing, or feedback if dust cycle represented in model)
midHolocene PMIP mid-Holocene 1 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 200 no parent main forcings: trace gases, orbital parameters, dust (forcing, or feedback if dust cycle represented in model)
midPliocene-eoi400 PMIP mid-Pliocene warm period 1 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 100 no parent main forcings: trace gases, orography, ice-sheet
modelSST-futArcSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day coupled model SST and future Arctic SIC 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA4.2: investigate role of background state in response to Arctic sea ice
modelSST-pdSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice present day control with coupled model SST 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA4.1: atmosphere only model present day control with coupled model SST
omip1 OMIP OMIP experiment forced by Large and Yeager (CORE-2, NCEP) atmospheric data set and initialized with observed physical and biogeochemical ocean data 1 none no parent OGCM BGC 310 no parent Global ocean - sea-ice coupled experiment forced with the Coordinated Ocean - ice Reference Experiments inter-annually varying atmospheric and river data sets for years 1948-2009. Initial ocean tracer fields are based on observations. Simulation length for at least 5 cycles of the 62-year forcing is required. The 5-cycle length is recommended to facilitate intercomparison within the experiment by using a common simulation length, but a longer simulation length is also accepted. For each simulation, set the beginning of the simulation (e.g., 1700 and 1638 for the 5-cycle and 6-cycle simulation, respectively) as the 'base time' of the time axis. Simulations with different simulation lengths by a single model are treated as members of an ensemble. Thus, different 'realization' indexes (e.g., r1, r2, r3, ...) should be used in a global attribute named 'variant_index' (e.g., r1i1p1f1). It is requested that information relevant to understanding the differences in members of an ensemble of simulations is reported in a global attribute named 'variant_info'. This information should also be recorded in the ES-DOC documentation of each experiment performed by a model and be made available via the 'further_info_url' attribute. All Priority=1 OMIP diagnostics (Omon, Oyr) are requested for all cycles of the 62-year forcing to quantify drift. All OMIP diagnostics (Priority=1,2,3) are requested for the last cycle
omip1-spunup OMIP OMIP experiment forced by Large and Yeager (CORE-2, NCEP) atmospheric data set and initialized from at least a 2000-year spin up of the coupled physical-biogeochemical model 2 none no parent OGCM BGC 310 no parent Same as the omip1 experiment except that it is not initialized with observed climatologies; rather it is initialized with results from at least a 2000-year spin up of the coupled physical-biogeochemical models. The spin up simulations may be made with the classic online or offline approach, or with tracer-acceleration techniques or fast solvers. If an online approach is used, at the end of the 5th cycle of CORE-II forcing, the model's physical fields should be reinitialized to the values at the start of the 3rd cycle in order to avoid long-term drift in those fields and to assure that they will not diverge greatly from physical fields in the omip1 simulation. The spin up also includes radiocarbon to evaluate deep-ocean circulation
omip2 OMIP OMIP experiment forced by JRA55-do atmospheric data set and initialized with observed physical and biogeochemical ocean data 3 none no parent OGCM BGC 366 no parent Global ocean - sea-ice coupled experiment forced with the JRA55-do inter-annually varying atmospheric and river data sets for years 1958-2018. Initial ocean tracer fields are based on observations. Simulation length for at least 6 cycles of the 61-year forcing is required. The 6-cycle length is recommended to facilitate intercomparison within the experiment by using a common simulation length, but a longer simulation length is also accepted. In each simulation, set the beginning of the simulation (e.g., 1653 for the 6-cycle simulation) as the 'base time' of the time axis. Simulations with different simulation lengths by a single model are treated as members of an ensemble. Thus, different 'realization' indexes (e.g., r1, r2, r3, ...) should be used in a global attribute named 'variant_index' (e.g., r1i1p1f1). It is requested that information relevant to understanding the differences in members of an ensemble of simulations is reported in a global attribute named 'variant_info'. This information should also be recorded in the ES-DOC documentation of each experiment performed by a model and be made available via the 'further_info_url' attribute. All Priority=1 OMIP diagnostics (Omon, Oyr) are requested for all cycles of the 61-year forcing to quantify drift. All OMIP diagnostics (Priority=1,2,3) are requested for the last cycle
omip2-spunup OMIP OMIP experiment forced by JRA55-do atmospheric data set and initialized from at least a 2000-year spin up of the coupled physical-biogeochemical model 3 none no parent OGCM BGC 366 no parent Same as the omip2 experiment except that it is not initialized with observed climatologies; rather it is initialized with results from at least a 2000-year spin up of the coupled physical-biogeochemical models. The spin up simulations may be made with the classic online or offline approach, or with tracer-acceleration techniques or fast solvers. If an online approach is used, at the end of the 6th cycle of the JRA55-do forcing, the model's physical fields should be reinitialized to the values at the start of the 4th cycle in order to avoid long-term drift in those fields and to assure that they will not diverge greatly from physical fields in the omip2 simulation. The spin up also includes radiocarbon to evaluate deep-ocean circulation
pa-futAntSIC PAMIP Partially-coupled time slice constrained by future Antarctic SIC 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA2.5: investigate response to Antarctic sea ice in coupled model
pa-futAntSIC-ext PAMIP Partially-coupled extended simulation with future Antarctic SIC 3 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2099 100 CMIP PA6.3: investigate decadal and longer timescale response to Antarctic sea ice
pa-futArcSIC PAMIP Partially-coupled time slice constrained by future Arctic SIC 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA2.3: investigate response to Arctic sea ice in coupled model
pa-futArcSIC-ext PAMIP Partially-coupled extended simulation with future Arctic SIC 3 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2099 100 CMIP PA6.2: investigate decadal and longer timescale response to Arctic sea ice
pa-pdSIC PAMIP Partially-coupled time slice contrained by present day SIC 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA2.1: coupled model present day control constrained by oberved sea ice
pa-pdSIC-ext PAMIP Partially-coupled extended simulation constrained by present day SIC 3 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2099 100 CMIP PA6.1: centennial coupled model present day control constrained by oberved sea ice
pa-piAntSIC PAMIP Partially-coupled time slice with pre-industrial Antarctic SIC 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA2.4: investigate response to Antarctic sea ice in coupled model
pa-piArcSIC PAMIP Partially-coupled time slice constrained by pre-industrial Arctic SIC 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA2.2: investigate response to Arctic sea ice in coupled model
past1000 PMIP last millennium 1 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 850 1849 1000 no parent main forcings: trace gases, volcanoes, solar variability, land use
past1000-solaronly PMIP last millennium experiment using only solar forcing 2 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 850 1849 1000 no parent Parallel experiment to past1000. Instead of the complete forcing set, only solar (TSI, SSI) forcing is considered
past1000-volconly PMIP last millennium experiment using only volcanic forcing 2 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 850 1849 1000 no parent Parallel experiment to past1000. Instead of the complete forcing set, only volcanic forcing is considered
past2k PMIP last two millennia experiment 3 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1 1849 1849 no parent Experiment extending the past1000 simulation back in time to include the first millennium CE. Main forcings: trace gases, volcanoes, solar variability, land-use. past1000 forcings data sets include the first millennium, except for land-use. For the latter, a linear ramp-up to 850CE values is recommended
pdSST-futAntSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and future Antarctic SIC 1 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.8: investigate response to Antarctic sea ice and its role in polar amplification
pdSST-futArcSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and future Arctic SIC 1 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.6: investigate response to Arctic sea ice and its role in polar amplification
pdSST-futArcSICSIT PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and future Arctic SIC and sea ice thickness 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.10: investigate role of sea ice thickness in response to Arctic sea ice
pdSST-futBKSeasSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and future Barents and Kara Seas SIC 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA3.2: investigate response to sea ice in Barents and Kara Seas
pdSST-futOkhotskSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and future Sea of Okhotsk SIC 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA3.1: investigate response to sea ice in Sea of Okhotsk
pdSST-pdSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and SIC 1 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.1: atmosphere only model present day control
pdSST-pdSICSIT PAMIP Atmosphere time slice constrained by present day conditions including sea ice thickness 3 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.9: atmosphere only model present day control with sea ice thickness
pdSST-piAntSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and pre-industrial Antarctic SIC 1 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.7: investigate response to Antarctic sea ice and its role in polar amplification
pdSST-piArcSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with present day SST and pre-industrial Arctic SIC 1 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.5: investigate response to Arctic sea ice and its role in polar amplification
piClim-2xDMS AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with doubled emissions of DMS 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP 1850 control with doubled emissions of DMS
piClim-2xNOx AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with doubled production of NOx due to lightning 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP 1850 control with doubled emissions of lightning NOx
piClim-2xVOC AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with doubled emissions of biogenic VOCs 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP 1850 control with doubled emissions of biogenic VOCs
piClim-2xdust AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with doubled emissions of dust 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP 1850 control with doubled dust emissions
piClim-2xfire AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with doubled emissions from fires 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP 1850 control with doubled emissions of fires
piClim-2xss AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with doubled emissions of sea salt 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP 1850 control with doubled sea salt emissions
piClim-4xCO2 RFMIP effective radiative forcing by 4xCO2 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM 30 CMIP As in piClim-control but with 4xCO2
piClim-BC AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 black carbon emissions 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 BC emissions
piClim-CH4 AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 methane concentrations (including chemistry) 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 CH4 concentrations
piClim-HC AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 halocarbon concentrations (including chemistry) 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 halocarbon concentrations
piClim-N2O AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 N2O concentrations (including chemistry) 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 N2O concentrations
piClim-NH3 AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 ammonia emissions 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 NH3 emissions
piClim-NOx AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 NOx emissions 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 NOx emissions
piClim-NTCF AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 NTCF emissions 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 aerosol and ozone precursor emissions
piClim-O3 AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 ozone precursor emissions 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 ozone precursor emissions
piClim-OC AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 organic carbon emissions 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 OC emissions
piClim-SO2 AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 SO2 emissions 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 SO2 emissions
piClim-VOC AerChemMIP pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 VOC emissions 3 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 CO/VOC emissions
piClim-aer RFMIP AerChemMIP effective radiative forcing by present-day aerosols 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP As in piClim-control but with with present-day aerosols. Note that this experiment is considered to be tier 1 by RFMIP but tier 2 by AerChemMIP
piClim-anthro RFMIP effective radiative forcing by present day anthropogenic agents 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM 30 CMIP As in piClim-control but with present-day anthropogenic forcing (greenhouse gases, ozone, aerosols and land-use)
piClim-control RFMIP AerChemMIP Control simulation providing baseline for evaluating effective radiative forcing (ERF) 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP 30-year atmosphere only integration using preindustrial sea-surface temperature and sea-ice climatology. Interactive vegetation
piClim-ghg RFMIP effective radiative forcing by present-day greenhouse gases 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP As in piClim-control but with present-day non-ozone greenhouse gases
piClim-histaer RFMIP transient effective radiative forcing by aerosols 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2100 251 CMIP Time-varying forcing by aerosols. SST and sea ice fixed at preindustrial control. Interactive vegetation
piClim-histall RFMIP transient effective radiative forcing 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2100 251 CMIP Time-varying forcing. SST and sea ice fixed at preindustrial control. Interactive vegetation
piClim-histghg RFMIP transient effective radiative forcing by greenhouse gases 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2100 251 CMIP Time-varying forcing by non-ozone GHGs. SST and sea ice fixed at preindustrial control. Interactive vegetation
piClim-histnat RFMIP transient effective radiative forcing by natural perturbations 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 1850 2100 251 CMIP Time-varying forcing from volcanos, solar variability, etc. SST and sea ice fixed at preindustrial control. Interactive vegetation
piClim-lu RFMIP effective radiative forcing by present-day land use 1 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM BGC 30 CMIP As in piClim-control but with present-day land use
piClim-spAer-aer RFMIP effective radiative forcing at present day with specified anthropogenic aerosol optical properties, all forcings 2 none piControl AGCM CMIP Prescribed anthropogenic aerosol optical properties. Aerosol forcings
piClim-spAer-anthro RFMIP effective radiative forcing at present day with specified anthropogenic aerosol optical properties, anthropogenic forcings 2 none piControl AGCM CMIP Prescribed anthropogenic aerosol optical properties. Anthropogenic forcings
piClim-spAer-histaer RFMIP transient effective radiative forcing with specified anthropogenic aerosol optical properties, aerosol forcing 2 none piControl AGCM 1850 2014 165 CMIP Prescribed anthropogenic aerosol optical properties. Aerosol forcings
piClim-spAer-histall RFMIP transient effective radiative forcing with specified anthropogenic aerosol optical properties, all forcings 2 none piControl AGCM 1850 2014 165 CMIP Prescribed anthropogenic aerosol optical properties. All anthropogenic and natural forcings
piControl CMIP pre-industrial control 1 none piControl-spinup AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 500 CMIP DECK: control
piControl-cmip5 CMIP pre-industrial control (CMIP5-era [1850-2005] forcing) 2 none piControl-spinup-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 500 CMIP DECK: control (CMIP5-era pre-industrial forcing)
piControl-spinup CMIP pre-industrial control (spin-up) 2 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 100 no parent DECK: spin-up portion of the control
piControl-spinup-cmip5 CMIP pre-industrial control (spin-up; CMIP5-era [1850-2005] forcing) 2 none no parent AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 100 CMIP DECK: spin-up portion of the control (CMIP5-era pre-industrial forcing)
piControl-withism ISMIP6 preindustrial control with interactive ice sheet 1 none no parent AOGCM ISM AER CHEM BGC 500 no parent Pre-industrial control simulation that includes interactive ice sheets
piSST CFMIP experiment forced with pre-industrial SSTs, sea ice and atmospheric constituents 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 30 no parent An AGCM experiment with monthly-varying SSTs, sea-ice, atmospheric constituents and any other necessary boundary conditions (e.g. vegetation if required) taken from each model's own piControl run (using the 30 years of piControl that are parallel to years 111-140 of its abrupt-4xCO2 run). Dynamic vegetation should be turned off in all the piSST set of experiments
piSST-4xCO2 CFMIP as piSST with radiation and vegetation seeing 4xCO2 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 30 no parent Same as piSST but CO2 is quadrupled. The increase in CO2 is seen by both the radiation scheme and vegetation
piSST-4xCO2-rad CFMIP as piSST with radiation-only seeing 4xCO2 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 30 no parent Same as piSST but CO2 as seen by the radiation scheme is quadrupled
piSST-4xCO2-solar GeoMIP preindustrial control SSTs with quadrupled CO2 and solar reduction 2 none piControl AGCM AER CHEM 10 CMIP Time slice at 1850 (picontrol) for G1ext to examine radiative forcing of abrupt-4xCO2
piSST-pdSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with pre-industrial SST and present day SIC 1 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.3: investigate role of SST in polar amplification
piSST-piSIC PAMIP Atmosphere time slice with pre-industrial SST and SIC 2 none amip AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2000 2001 1 CMIP PA1.2: atmosphere only model pre-industrial control
piSST-pxK CFMIP as piSST with uniform SST increase with magnitude based on abrupt-4xCO2 response 2 none no parent AGCM AER CHEM 20 no parent Same as piSST, but with a spatially and temporally uniform SST anomaly applied on top of the monthly-varying piSST SSTs. The magnitude of the uniform increase is taken from each model's global, climatological annual mean SST change between abrupt-4xCO2 minus piControl (using the mean of years 111-140 of abrupt-4xCO2, and the parallel 30-year section of piControl)
rad-irf RFMIP offline assessment of radiative transfer parmeterizations in clear skies 1 none no parent RAD no parent Offline radiation calculations
rcp26-cmip5 ScenarioMIP future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP2.6 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing) 3 none historical-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2006 2100 or 2300 95 CMIP future scenario with low radiative forcing by the end of century. Following RCP2.6 global forcing pathway. Concentration-driven (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
rcp45-cmip5 ScenarioMIP future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP4.5 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing) 3 none historical-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2006 2100 or 2300 95 CMIP future scenario with low-medium radiative forcing by the end of century. Following RCP4.5 global forcing pathway. Concentration-driven (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
rcp60-cmip5 ScenarioMIP future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP6.0 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing) 3 none historical-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2006 2100 or 2300 95 CMIP future scenario with medium radiative forcing by the end of century. Following RCP6.0 global forcing pathway. Concentration-driven (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
rcp85-cmip5 ScenarioMIP future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP8.5 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing) 3 none historical-cmip5 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2006 2100 or 2300 95 CMIP future scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Following RCP8.5 global forcing pathway. Concentration-driven (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
spinup-1950 HighResMIP coupled spinup with fixed 1950s forcings from 1950 initial conditions (with ocean at rest) to provide initial condition for control-1950 and hist-1950 2 none no parent AOGCM AER 30 no parent Coupled integration from ocean rest state using recommended HighResMIP protocol spinup, starting from 1950 ocean temperature and salinity analysis EN4, using constant 1950s forcing. At least 30 years to satisfy near surface quasi-equilibrium
ssp119 ScenarioMIP low-end scenario reaching 1.9 W m-2, based on SSP1 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future scenario with low radiative forcing throughout reaching about 1.9 W/m2 in 2100 based on SSP1. Concentration-driven
ssp126 ScenarioMIP update of RCP2.6 based on SSP1 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 or 2300 86 CMIP Future scenario with low radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP2.6 global forcing pathway but with new forcing based on SSP1. Concentration-driven. As a tier 2 option, this simulation should be extended to year 2300
ssp126-ssp370Lu LUMIP SSP1-2.6 with SSP3-7.0 land use 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Additional land use policy sensitivity simulation for low radiative forcing scenario, keep all forcings the same as ScenarioMIP SSP1-2.6 (afforestation scenario), but replace land use from SSP3-7 (afforestation) scenario; concentration-driven
ssp245 ScenarioMIP update of RCP4.5 based on SSP2 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future scenario with medium radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP4.5 global forcing pathway but with new forcing based on SSP2. Concentration-driven
ssp245-GHG DAMIP well-mixed GHG-only SSP2-4.5 run 2 none hist-GHG AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2021 2100 80 DAMIP Extension of well-mixed GHG-only run under SSP2-4.5. Models with interactive chemistry schemes should either turn off the chemistry or use a preindustrial climatology of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone in their radiation schemes
ssp245-aer DAMIP aerosol-only SSP2-4.5 run 3 none hist-aer AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2021 2100 80 DAMIP Extension of aerosol-only run under SSP2-4.5
ssp245-cov-GHG DAMIP 2-year Covid-19 emissions blip including well mixed GHG only, based upon ssp245 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2024 or 2050 5 ScenarioMIP Detection and attribution experiment: well-mixed GHG-only run based on ssp245-covid, with 2-year perturbation to emissions for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-aer DAMIP 2-year Covid-19 emissions blip including anthropogenic aerosols only, based upon ssp245 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2024 or 2050 5 ScenarioMIP Detection and attribution experiment: aerosol-only run based on ssp245-covid, with 2-year perturbation to emissions for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-fossil DAMIP 2-year Covid-19 emissions blip followed by increased emissions due to a fossil-fuel based recovery, based upon ssp245 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2050 31 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but following a path of increased emissions due to a fossil-fuel rebound economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-modgreen DAMIP 2-year Covid-19 emissions blip followed by moderate-green stimulus recovery, based upon ssp245 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2050 31 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but following a path of reduced emissions due to a moderate-green stimulus economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-strgreen DAMIP 2-year Covid-19 emissions blip followed by strong-green stimulus recovery, based upon ssp245 2 none ssp245 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2050 31 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but following a path of reduced emissions due to a strong-green stimulus economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-covid DAMIP 2-year Covid-19 emissions blip based upon ssp245 2 none ssp245 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2020 2024 or 2050 5 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but with 2-year perturbation to emissions for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Emissions revert to ssp245 after this. Concentration-driven
ssp245-nat DAMIP natural-only SSP2-4.5 run 3 none hist-nat AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2021 2100 80 DAMIP Extension of natural-only run under SSP2-4.5
ssp245-stratO3 DAMIP stratospheric ozone-only SSP2-4.5 (ssp245) run 2 none hist-stratO3 AOGCM AER BGC 2021 2100 80 DAMIP Extension of stratospheric ozone-only run under SSP2-4.5 (ssp245). In models with coupled chemistry, the chemistry scheme should be turned off, and the simulated ensemble mean monthly mean 3D stratospheric ozone concentrations from the SSP2-4.5 simulations should be prescribed. Tropospheric ozone should be fixed at 3D long-term monthly mean piControl values, with a value of 100 ppbv ozone concentration in this piControl climatology used to separate the troposphere from the stratosphere. In models without coupled chemistry the same stratospheric ozone prescribed in SSP2-4.5 should be prescribed. Stratospheric ozone concentrations will be provided by CCMI
ssp370 ScenarioMIP AerChemMIP gap-filling scenario reaching 7.0 based on SSP3 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Reaches about 7.0 W/m2 by 2100; fills gap in RCP forcing pathways between 6.0 and 8.5 W/m2. Concentration-driven
ssp370-lowNTCF AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, with low NTCF emissions 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0 with reduced NTCF emissions
ssp370-lowNTCFCH4 AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, with low NTCF emissions and methane concentrations 3 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP This experiment is identical to ssp370-lowNTCF except that the methane concentrations also follow the "low" scenario from SSP3-7.0_lowNTCF
ssp370-ssp126Lu LUMIP SSP3-7.0 with SSP1-2.6 land use 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Additional land use policy sensitivity simulation for high radiative forcing scenario, keep all forcings the same as ScenarioMIP SSP3-7 (deforestation scenario), but replace land use from SSP1-2.6 (afforestation) scenario; concentration-driven
ssp370SST AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, with SSTs prescribed from ssp370 1 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0, with SSTs prescribed from ssp370
ssp370SST-lowAer AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low aerosol emissions 2 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0 with reduced aerosol emissions (from ssp370-lowNTCF), prescribed SSTs
ssp370SST-lowBC AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low black carbon emissions 2 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0 with reduced black carbon emissions, prescribed SSTs
ssp370SST-lowCH4 AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low methane concentrations 1 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0 with reduced CH4 concentrations, prescribed SSTs
ssp370SST-lowNTCF AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low NTCF emissions 1 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0 with reduced NTCF emissions, prescribed SSTs
ssp370SST-lowNTCFCH4 AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low NTCF emissions and methane concentrations 3 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP This experiment is identical to ssp370SST-lowNTCF except that the methane concentrations also follow the "low" scenario from SSP3-7.0_lowNTCF
ssp370SST-lowO3 AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low ozone precursor emissions 2 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0 with reduced ozone precursor emissions (from ssp370-lowNTCF), prescribed SSTs
ssp370SST-ssp126Lu AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with SSP1-2.6 land use 1 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future SSP3-7.0 with low land use change (from ssp126), prescribed SSTs
ssp370pdSST AerChemMIP SSP3-7.0, with SSTs prescribed as present day 2 none historical AGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Experimental set up as ssp370SST except sea surface temperatures (SST) and sea ice concentrations (SICONC) are from a 2005-2014 climatology. Diagnostics are as ssp370SST
ssp434 ScenarioMIP gap-filling scenario reaching 3.4 based on SSP4 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future scenario with low radiative forcing by the end of century. Reaches about 3.4 W/m2 by 2100; fills gap in RCP forcing pathways between 4.5 and 2.6 W/m2. Concentration-driven
ssp460 ScenarioMIP update of RCP6.0 based on SSP4 2 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Future scenario with medium radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP6.0 global forcing pathway but with new forcing based on SSP4. Concentration-driven
ssp534-over ScenarioMIP overshoot of 3.4 W/m**2 branching from ssp585 in 2040 2 none ssp585 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2040 2100 or 2300 61 ScenarioMIP 21st century overshoot scenario relative to SSP5_34. Branches from SSP5_85 at 2040 with emissions reduced to zero by 2070 and negative thereafter. This simulation should optionally be extended to year 2300
ssp534-over-bgc C4MIP biogeochemically-coupled version of the RCP3.4-overshoot based on SSP5 2 none ssp585-bgc AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2040 2100 or 2300 61 C4MIP This simulation should optionally be extended to year 2300
ssp585 ScenarioMIP update of RCP8.5 based on SSP5 1 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 or 2300 86 CMIP Future scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP8.5 global forcing pathway but with new forcing based on SSP5. Concentration-driven. As a tier 2 option, this simulation should be extended to year 2300
ssp585-bgc C4MIP biogeochemically-coupled version of the RCP8.5 based on SSP5 2 none hist-bgc AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2015 2100 or 2300 86 C4MIP Concentration-driven future scenario simulation, biogeochemically-coupled. This simulation should optionally be extended to year 2300
ssp585-withism ISMIP6 ssp585 with interactive ice sheet 2 none historical-withism AOGCM ISM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 or 2300 86 ISMIP6 Future climate from ScenarioMIP SSP5-8.5 simulation that includes interactive ice sheets. Set up follows the standard SSP5-8.5 experiment
volc-cluster-21C VolMIP volcanic cluster experiment under 21st century SSP2-4.5 scenario 3 none historical AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 2015 2100 86 CMIP Parallel experiment to volc-cluster-ctrl, using restart files from the end of the historical simulation instead of from piControl, and boundary conditions from the 21st century SSP2-4.5 scenario experiment of ScenarioMIP
volc-cluster-ctrl VolMIP 19th century volcanic cluster initialized from PiControl 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 50 CMIP Early 19th century cluster of strong tropical volcanic eruptions, including the 1809 event of unknown location, the 1815 Tambora and 1835 Cosigueina eruptions. Experiment initialized from PiControl
volc-cluster-mill VolMIP 19th century volcanic cluster initialized from past1000 3 none past1000 AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 1790 1858 69 PMIP Parallel experiment to volc-cluster-ctrl but with initial conditions taken from last millennium simulation to account for the effects of a more realistic history of past natural forcing. All forcings except volcanic kept constant from year AD 1790 on
volc-long-eq VolMIP idealized equatorial volcanic eruption emitting 56.2 Tg SO2 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 20 CMIP Idealized equatorial eruption corresponding to an initial emission of 56.2 Tg of SO2. The eruption magnitude corresponds to recent estimates for the 1815 Tambora eruption (Sigl et al., 2015), the largest historical tropical eruption, which was linked to the so-called "year without a summer" in 1816. Experiment initialized from PiControl
volc-long-hlN VolMIP idealized Northern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2 2 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 20 CMIP Idealized Northern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2. Experiment initialized from PiControl
volc-long-hlS VolMIP Idealized Southern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2 3 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 20 CMIP Idealized Southern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2. Experiment initialized from PiControl
volc-pinatubo-full VolMIP Pinatubo experiment 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 3 CMIP 1991 Pinatubo forcing as used in the CMIP6 historical simulations. Requires special diagnostics of radiative and latent heating rates. A large number of ensemble members is required to address internal atmospheric variability
volc-pinatubo-slab VolMIP Pinatubo experiment with slab ocean 3 none control-slab AGCM SLAB AER CHEM BGC 3 VolMIP As volc-pinatubo-full, but with a slab ocean
volc-pinatubo-strat VolMIP Pinatubo experiment with partial radiative forcing, includes only stratospheric warming 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 3 CMIP As volc-pinatubo-full, but with prescribed perturbation to the total (LW+SW) radiative heating rates
volc-pinatubo-surf VolMIP Pinatubo experiment with partial radiative forcing, solar radiation scattering only 1 none piControl AOGCM AER CHEM BGC 3 CMIP As volc-pinatubo-full, but with prescribed perturbation to the shortwave flux to mimic the attenuation of solar radiation by volcanic aerosols
yr2010CO2 CDRMIP concentration-driven fixed 2010 forcing 3 none historical AOGCM BGC AER CHEM 2010 2115 106 CMIP Branch from beginning of year 2010 of the historical simulation with CO2 concentration and all other forcing held fixed at 2010 level (part of the CDR-yr2010-pulse experiment to diagnose CO2 emissions)