WCRP-CMIP CMIP6_CVs version:

Experiment IDs | Institution IDs | Source IDs | Source IDs (incl licenses) | Citations by (Source ID, Institution Id, Activity ID) | Citations by (Source ID, Institution Id, Activity ID, Experiment ID) |

source_id institution id release year activity participation cohort label label extended atmos natNomRes atmos ocean natNomRes ocean landIce natNomRes landIce aerosol atmosChem land ocnBgchem seaIce
source_id institution id release year activity participation cohort label label extended atmos natNomRes atmos ocean natNomRes ocean landIce natNomRes landIce aerosol atmosChem land ocnBgchem seaIce
4AOP-v1-5 IPSL 2019 RFMIP Published 4AOP-v1-5 Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model v1.5, Laboratoire Meteorologie Dynamique, GEISA spectroscopic database none none none none none none none none none none none
ACCESS-CM2 CSIRO-ARCCSS 2019 CMIP DAMIP FAFMIP OMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP Published ACCESS-CM2 Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator Climate Model Version 2 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 250 km ACCESS-OM2 (GFDL-MOM5, tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 300 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none CABLE2.5 none CICE5.1.2 (same grid as ocean)
ACCESS-ESM1-5 CSIRO 2019 C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP DAMIP LUMIP OMIP PMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published ACCESS-ESM1.5 Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator Earth System Model Version 1.5 HadGAM2 (r1.1, N96; 192 x 145 longitude/latitude; 38 levels; top level 39255 m) 250 km ACCESS-OM2 (MOM5, tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 300 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none CLASSIC (v1.0) none CABLE2.4 WOMBAT (same grid as ocean) CICE4.1 (same grid as ocean)
ACCESS-OM2 CSIRO-COSIMA 2020 OMIP Published ACCESS-OM2 Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator Ocean Model Version 2 none none ACCESS-OM2 (MOM5, tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 300 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-2.3 m) 100 km none none none none none WOMBAT (same grid as ocean) CICE5.1.2 (same grid as ocean)
ACCESS-OM2-025 CSIRO-COSIMA 2020 OMIP Published ACCESS-OM2-025 Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator Ocean Model Version 2 quarter degree none none ACCESS-OM2 (MOM5, tripolar primarily 1/4 deg; 1440 x 1080 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-2.3 m) 25 km none none none none none WOMBAT (same grid as ocean) CICE5.1.2 (same grid as ocean)
ARTS-2-3 UHH 2015 RFMIP Published ARTS 2.3 ARTS 2.3 (Current development version of the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator) none none none none none none none none none none none
AWI-CM-1-1-HR AWI 2018 CMIP CORDEX HighResMIP OMIP SIMIP VIACSAB Published AWI-CM 1.1 HR AWI-CM 1.1 HR ECHAM6.3.04p1 (T127L95 native atmosphere T127 gaussian grid; 384 x 192 longitude/latitude; 95 levels; top level 80 km) 100 km FESOM 1.4 (unstructured grid in the horizontal with 1306775 wet nodes; 46 levels; top grid cell 0-5 m) 25 km none none none none JSBACH 3.20 none FESOM 1.4
AWI-CM-1-1-LR AWI 2018 CMIP CORDEX HighResMIP OMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB Published AWI-CM 1.1 LR AWI-CM 1.1 LR ECHAM6.3.04p1 (T63L47 native atmosphere T63 gaussian grid; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 47 levels; top level 80 km) 250 km FESOM 1.4 (unstructured grid in the horizontal with 126859 wet nodes; 46 levels; top grid cell 0-5 m) 100 km none none none none JSBACH 3.20 none FESOM 1.4
AWI-CM-1-1-MR AWI 2018 CMIP CORDEX OMIP PAMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB Published AWI-CM 1.1 MR AWI-CM 1.1 MR ECHAM6.3.04p1 (T127L95 native atmosphere T127 gaussian grid; 384 x 192 longitude/latitude; 95 levels; top level 80 km) 100 km FESOM 1.4 (unstructured grid in the horizontal with 830305 wet nodes; 46 levels; top grid cell 0-5 m) 25 km none none none none JSBACH 3.20 none FESOM 1.4
AWI-ESM-1-1-LR AWI 2018 CMIP PMIP Published AWI-ESM 1.1 LR AWI-ESM 1.1 LR ECHAM6.3.04p1 (T63L47 native atmosphere T63 gaussian grid; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 47 levels; top level 80 km) 250 km FESOM 1.4 (unstructured grid in the horizontal with 126859 wet nodes; 46 levels; top grid cell 0-5 m) 100 km none none none none JSBACH 3.20 with dynamic vegetation none FESOM 1.4
AWI-ESM-1-REcoM AWI 2024 C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP ScenarioMIP Published AWI-ESM 1 REcoM AWI-ESM 1 REcoM ECHAM6.3.04p1 (T63L47 native atmosphere T63 gaussian grid; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 47 levels; top level 80 km) 250 km FESOM 1.4 (unstructured grid in the horizontal with 126859 wet nodes; 46 levels; top grid cell 0-5 m) 100 km none none none none JSBACH 3.20 with dynamic vegetation REcoM2 (same grid as ocean component) FESOM 1.4 (same grid as ocean component)
BCC-CSM2-HR BCC 2017 CMIP HighResMIP Published BCC-CSM 2 HR BCC-CSM 2 HR BCC_AGCM3_HR (T266; 800 x 400 longitude/latitude; 56 levels; top level 0.1 hPa) 50 km MOM4 (1/3 deg 10S-10N, 1/3-1 deg 10-30 N/S, and 1 deg in high latitudes; 360 x 232 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none none none BCC_AVIM2 none SIS2
BCC-CSM2-MR BCC 2017 C4MIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DCPP GMMIP LS3MIP LUMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published BCC-CSM 2 MR BCC-CSM 2 MR BCC_AGCM3_MR (T106; 320 x 160 longitude/latitude; 46 levels; top level 1.46 hPa) 100 km MOM4 (1/3 deg 10S-10N, 1/3-1 deg 10-30 N/S, and 1 deg in high latitudes; 360 x 232 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none none none BCC_AVIM2 none SIS2
BCC-ESM1 BCC 2017 AerChemMIP CMIP Published BCC-ESM 1 BCC-ESM 1 BCC_AGCM3_LR (T42; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 26 levels; top level 2.19 hPa) 250 km MOM4 (1/3 deg 10S-10N, 1/3-1 deg 10-30 N/S, and 1 deg in high latitudes; 360 x 232 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none none BCC-AGCM3-Chem BCC_AVIM2 none SIS2
CAM-MPAS-HR PNNL-WACCEM 2018 HighResMIP Registered CAM-MPAS-HR CAM MPAS (Community Atmosphere Model - Model for Prediction Across Scales) CAM-MPAS (CAMv5.4 with Grell-Freitas deep convection; MPASv4, C-grid staggered centroidal Voronoi tesselation atmosphere 30 km mesh with 655362 cells and 1966080 edges; 32 levels, top level 40363 m) 25 km none none none none none, prescribed MACv2-SP none CLM (v4.0, same grid as atmos), River Transport Model (v1.0) none none
CAM-MPAS-LR PNNL-WACCEM 2018 HighResMIP Registered CAM-MPAS-LR CAM MPAS (Community Atmosphere Model - Model for Prediction Across Scales) CAM-MPAS (CAMv5.4 with Grell-Freitas deep convection; MPASv4, C-grid staggered centroidal Voronoi tesselation atmosphere 120 km mesh with 40962 cells and 122880 edges; 32 vertical levels, model top 40363 m) 100 km none none none none none, prescribed MACv2-SP none CLM (v4.0, same grid as atmos), River Transport Model (v1.0) none none
CAMS-CSM1-0 CAMS 2016 CFMIP CMIP GMMIP HighResMIP ScenarioMIP Published CAMS-CSM 1.0 CAMS-CSM 1.0 ECHAM5_CAMS (T106; 320 x 160 longitude/latitude; 31 levels; top level 10 mb) 100 km MOM4 (tripolar; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude, primarily 1deg latitude/longitude, down to 1/3deg within 30deg of the equatorial tropics; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none none none CoLM 1.0 none SIS 1.0
CAS-ESM2-0 CAS 2019 AerChemMIP C4MIP CDRMIP CFMIP CMIP CORDEX DAMIP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP GeoMIP HighResMIP LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published CAS-ESM 2.0 CAS-ESM 2.0 (Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model version 2.0) IAP AGCM 5.0 (Finite difference dynamical core; 256 x 128 longitude/latitude; 35 levels; top level 2.2 hPa) 100 km LICOM2.0 (LICOM2.0, primarily 1deg; 362 x 196 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none IAP AACM IAP AACM CoLM IAP OBGCM CICE4
CESM1-1-CAM5-CMIP5 NCAR 2011 CMIP DCPP Published CESM1-1-CAM5-CMIP5 CESM1-1-CAM5-CMIP5 CAM5.2 (0.9x1.25 finite volume grid; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top level 2.25 mb) 100 km POP2 (320x384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none MAM3 (same grid as atmos) MAM3 (same grid as atmos) CLM4 (same grid as atmos) BEC (same grid as ocean) CICE4 (same grid as ocean)
CESM1-CAM5-SE-HR NCAR 2012 HighResMIP Published CESM1-CAM5-SE-HR CESM 1.3 CAM5 spectral element configuration with CMIP5 forcings, hi res CAM5.2 (0.25 degree spectral element; 777602 cells; 30 levels; top level 2.25 mb) 25 km POP2 (3600x2400 longitude/latitude; 62 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 10 km none none MAM3 (same grid as atmos) MAM3 (same grid as atmos) CLM4 (same grid as atmos) "BEC (same grid as ocean) CICE4 (same grid as ocean)
CESM1-CAM5-SE-LR NCAR 2012 HighResMIP Published CESM1-CAM5-SE-LR CESM 1.3 CAM5 spectral element configuration with CMIP5 forcings, lo res CAM5.2 (1 degree spectral element; 48602 cells; 30 levels; top level 2.25 mb) 100 km POP2 (320x384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none MAM3 (same grid as atmos) MAM3 (same grid as atmos) CLM4 (same grid as atmos) "BEC (same grid as ocean) CICE4 (same grid as ocean)
CESM1-WACCM-SC UCI NCAR 2011 PAMIP Published CESM1-WACCM-SC Community Earth System Model 1, with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model and Specified Chemistry WACCM4 (1.9x2.5 finite volume grid; 144 x 96 longitude/latitude; 66 levels; top level 5.9e-06 mb) 250 km POP2 (320 x 384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none MOZART-specified (same grid as atmos) MOZART-specified (same grid as atmos) CLM4.0 BEC (same grid as ocean) CICE4 (same as grid as ocean)
CESM2 NCAR 2018 AerChemMIP C4MIP CDRMIP CFMIP CMIP CORDEX DAMIP DCPP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP GeoMIP HighResMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published CESM2 CESM2 CAM6 (0.9x1.25 finite volume grid; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top level 2.25 mb) 100 km POP2 (320x384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km CISM2.1 5 km MAM4 (same grid as atmos) MAM4 (same grid as atmos) CLM5 (same grid as atmos) MARBL (same grid as ocean) CICE5.1 (same grid as ocean)
CESM2-FV2 NCAR 2019 CMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP Published CESM2-FV2 CESM2-FV2 CAM6 (1.9x2.5 finite volume grid; 144 x 96 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top level 2.25 mb) 250 km POP2 (320x384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km CISM2.1 5 km MAM4 (same grid as atmos) MAM4 (same grid as atmos) CLM5 (same grid as atmos) MARBL (same grid as ocean) CICE5.1 (same grid as ocean)
CESM2-WACCM NCAR 2018 AerChemMIP CMIP GeoMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published CESM2-WACCM CESM2-WACCM WACCM6 (0.9x1.25 finite volume grid; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 70 levels; top level 4.5e-06 mb) 100 km POP2 (320 x 384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km CISM2.1 5 km MAM4 (same grid as atmos) MAM4 (same grid as atmos) CLM5 (same grid as atmos) MARBL (same grid as ocean) CICE5.1 (same grid as ocean)
CESM2-WACCM-FV2 NCAR 2019 CMIP PMIP Published CESM2-WACCM-FV2 CESM2-WACCM-FV2 WACCM6 (1.9x2.5 finite volume grid; 144 x 96 longitude/latitude; 70 levels; top level 4.5e-06 mb) 250 km POP2 (320x384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km CISM2.1 5 km MAM4 (same grid as atmos) MAM4 (same grid as atmos) CLM5 (same grid as atmos) MARBL (same grid as ocean) CICE5.1 (same grid as ocean)
CIESM THU 2017 CFMIP CMIP CORDEX GMMIP HighResMIP OMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP Published CIESM Community Integrated Earth System Model CIESM-AM (FV/FD; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top level 2.255 hPa) 100 km CIESM-OM (FD, SCCGrid Displaced Pole; 720 x 560 longitude/latitude; 46 levels; top grid cell 0-6 m) 50 km none none MAM4 trop_mam4 CIESM-LM (modified CLM4.5) none CICE4
CMCC-CM2-HR4 CMCC 2016 CMIP HighResMIP OMIP Published CMCC-CM2-HR4 CMCC-CM2-HR4 CAM4 (1deg; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 26 levels; top at ~2 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA0.25 1/4 deg from the Equator degrading at the poles; 1442 x 1051 longitude/latitude; 50 vertical levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none prescribed MACv2-SP none CLM4.5 (SP mode) none CICE4.0
CMCC-CM2-SR5 CMCC 2016 AerChemMIP CMIP DAMIP DCPP GMMIP OMIP ScenarioMIP Published CMCC-CM2-SR5 CMCC-CM2-SR5 CAM5.3 (1deg; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top at ~2 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarly 1 deg lat/lon with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 50 vertical levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none MAM3 none CLM4.5 (BGC mode) none CICE4.0
CMCC-CM2-VHR4 CMCC 2017 CMIP HighResMIP Published CMCC-CM2-VHR4 CMCC-CM2-VHR4 CAM4 (1/4deg; 1152 x 768 longitude/latitude; 26 levels; top at ~2 hPa) 25 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA0.25 1/4 deg from the Equator degrading at the poles; 1442 x 1051 longitude/latitude; 50 vertical levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none prescribed MACv2-SP none CLM4.5 (SP mode) none CICE4.0
CMCC-ESM2 CMCC 2017 C4MIP CMIP LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP ScenarioMIP Published CMCC-ESM2 CMCC-ESM2 CAM5.3 (1deg; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top at ~2 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarly 1 deg lat/lon with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 50 vertical levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none MAM3 none CLM4.5 (BGC mode) BFM5.2 CICE4.0
CNRM-CM6-1 CNRM-CERFACS 2017 CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DCPP FAFMIP GMMIP HighResMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published CNRM-CM6-1 CNRM-CM6-1 Arpege 6.3 (T127; Gaussian Reduced with 24572 grid points in total distributed over 128 latitude circles (with 256 grid points per latitude circle between 30degN and 30degS reducing to 20 grid points per latitude circle at 88.9degN and 88.9degS); 91 levels; top level 78.4 km) 250 km Nemo 3.6 (eORCA1, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 294 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none prescribed monthly fields computed by TACTIC_v2 scheme OZL_v2 Surfex 8.0c none Gelato 6.1
CNRM-CM6-1-HR CNRM-CERFACS 2017 CMIP DCPP GMMIP HighResMIP OMIP ScenarioMIP Published CNRM-CM6-1-HR CNRM-CM6-1-HR Arpege 6.3 (T359; Gaussian Reduced with 181724 grid points in total distributed over 360 latitude circles (with 720 grid points per latitude circle between 32.2degN and 32.2degS reducing to 18 grid points per latitude circle at 89.6degN and 89.6degS); 91 levels; top level 78.4 km) 100 km Nemo 3.6 (eORCA025, tripolar primarily 1/4deg; 1442 x 1050 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none prescribed monthly fields computed by TACTIC_v2 scheme OZL_v2 Surfex 8.0c none Gelato 6.1
CNRM-ESM2-1 CNRM-CERFACS 2017 AerChemMIP C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP CORDEX DCPP GMMIP GeoMIP LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published CNRM-ESM2-1 CNRM-ESM2-1 Arpege 6.3 (T127; Gaussian Reduced with 24572 grid points in total distributed over 128 latitude circles (with 256 grid points per latitude circle between 30degN and 30degS reducing to 20 grid points per latitude circle at 88.9degN and 88.9degS); 91 levels; top level 78.4 km) 250 km Nemo 3.6 (eORCA1, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 294 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none TACTIC_v2 REPROBUS-C_v2 Surfex 8.0c Pisces 2.s Gelato 6.1
CanESM5 CCCma 2019 C4MIP CDRMIP CFMIP CMIP CORDEX DAMIP DCPP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP GeoMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published CanESM5 CanESM5 CanAM5 (T63L49 native atmosphere, T63 Linear Gaussian Grid; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 49 levels; top level 1 hPa) 500 km NEMO3.4.1 (ORCA1 tripolar grid, 1 deg with refinement to 1/3 deg within 20 degrees of the equator; 361 x 290 longitude/latitude; 45 vertical levels; top grid cell 0-6.19 m) 100 km specified ice sheets 500 km interactive specified oxidants for aerosols CLASS3.6/CTEM1.2 Canadian Model of Ocean Carbon (CMOC); NPZD ecosystem with OMIP prescribed carbonate chemistry LIM2
CanESM5-1 CCCma 2022 C4MIP CDRMIP CFMIP CMIP CORDEX DAMIP DCPP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP GeoMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published CanESM5.1 CanESM5.1 CanAM5.1 (T63L49 native atmosphere, T63 Linear Gaussian Grid; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 49 levels; top level 1 hPa) 500 km NEMO3.4.1 (ORCA1 tripolar grid, 1 deg with refinement to 1/3 deg within 20 degrees of the equator; 361 x 290 longitude/latitude; 45 vertical levels; top grid cell 0-6.19 m) 100 km specified ice sheets 500 km interactive specified oxidants for aerosols CLASS3.6/CTEM1.2 Canadian Model of Ocean Carbon (CMOC); NPZD ecosystem with OMIP prescribed carbonate chemistry LIM2
CanESM5-CanOE CCCma 2019 C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP OMIP ScenarioMIP Published CanESM5-CanOE CanESM5-CanOE CanAM5 (T63L49 native atmosphere, T63 Linear Gaussian Grid; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 49 levels; top level 1 hPa) 500 km NEMO3.4.1 (ORCA1 tripolar grid, 1 deg with refinement to 1/3 deg within 20 degrees of the equator; 361 x 290 longitude/latitude; 45 vertical levels; top grid cell 0-6.19 m) 100 km specified ice sheets 500 km interactive specified oxidants for aerosols CLASS3.6/CTEM1.2 Canadian Ocean Ecosystem (CanOE) with OMIP prescribed carbon chemistry LIM2
E3SM-1-0 E3SM-Project LLNL UCI UCSB 2018 CFMIP CMIP DAMIP PAMIP ScenarioMIP Published E3SM 1.0 E3SM 1.0 (Energy Exascale Earth System Model) EAM (v1.0, cubed sphere spectral-element grid; 5400 elements with p=3; 1 deg average grid spacing; 90 x 90 x 6 longitude/latitude/cubeface; 72 levels; top level 0.1 hPa) 100 km MPAS-Ocean (v6.0, oEC60to30 unstructured SVTs mesh with 235160 cells and 714274 edges, variable resolution 60 km to 30 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none MAM4 with resuspension, marine organics, and secondary organics (same grid as atmos) Troposphere specified oxidants for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (same grid as atmos) ELM (v1.0, cubed sphere spectral-element grid; 5400 elements with p=3; 1 deg average grid spacing; 90 x 90 x 6 longitude/latitude/cubeface; satellite phenology mode), MOSART (v1.0, 0.5 degree latitude/longitude grid) none MPAS-Seaice (v6.0, same grid as ocean)
E3SM-1-1 E3SM-Project RUBISCO 2019 C4MIP CMIP DAMIP LS3MIP ScenarioMIP Published E3SM 1.1 E3SM 1.1 (Energy Exascale Earth System Model) EAM (v1.1, cubed sphere spectral-element grid; 5400 elements with p=3; 1 deg average grid spacing; 90 x 90 x 6 longitude/latitude/cubeface; 72 levels; top level 0.1 hPa) 100 km MPAS-Ocean (v6.0, oEC60to30 unstructured SVTs mesh with 235160 cells and 714274 edges, variable resolution 60 km to 30 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none MAM4 with resuspension, marine organics, and secondary organics (same grid as atmos) Troposphere specified oxidants for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (same grid as atmos) ELM (v1.1, same grid as atmos; active biogeochemistry using the Converging Trophic Cascade plant and soil carbon and nutrient mechanisms to represent carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles), MOSART (v1.1, 0.5 degree latitude/longitude grid) BEC (Biogeochemical Elemental Cycling model, NPZD-type with C/N/P/Fe/Si/O; same grid as ocean) MPAS-Seaice (v6.0; same grid as ocean)
E3SM-1-1-ECA E3SM-Project 2019 C4MIP CMIP ScenarioMIP Published E3SM 1.1 ECA E3SM 1.1 (Energy Exascale Earth System Model) with an experimental land BGC ECA configuration EAM (v1.1, cubed sphere spectral-element grid; 5400 elements with p=3; 1 deg average grid spacing; 90 x 90 x 6 longitude/latitude/cubeface; 72 levels; top level 0.1 hPa) 100 km MPAS-Ocean (v6.0, oEC60to30 unstructured SVTs mesh with 235160 cells and 714274 edges, variable resolution 60 km to 30 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none MAM4 with resuspension, marine organics, and secondary organics (same grid as atmos) Troposphere specified oxidants for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (same grid as atmos) ELM (v1.1, same as atmos; active biogeochemistry using the Equilibrium Chemistry Approximation to represent plant and soil carbon and nutrient mechanisms especially carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus limitation), MOSART (v1.1, 0.5 degree latitude/longitude grid) BEC (Biogeochemical Elemental Cycling model, NPZD-type with C/N/P/Fe/Si/O; same grid as ocean) MPAS-Seaice (v6.0; same grid as ocean)
E3SM-2-0 E3SM-Project 2022 CFMIP CMIP DAMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published E3SM 2.0 E3SM 2.0 (Energy Exascale Earth System Model) EAM (v2.0, cubed sphere spectral-element grid; 5400 elements, 30x30 per cube face. Dynamics: degree 3 (p=3) polynomials within each spectral element, 112 km average resolution. Physics: 2x2 finite volume cells within each spectral element, 1.5 degree (168 km) average grid spacing; 72 vertical layers; top level 60 km) 100 km MPAS-Ocean (E3SMv2.0, EC30to60E2r2 unstructured SVTs mesh with 236853 cells, 719506 edges, variable resolution 60 to 30 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none MAM4 with new resuspension, marine organics, secondary organics, and dust (atmos grid) Troposphere specified oxidants (except passive ozone with the lower boundary sink) for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (atmos grid) ELM (v1.0, satellite phenology mode, atmos grid), MOSART (v1.0, 0.5 degree latitude/longitude) none MPAS-Seaice (E3SMv2.0, ocean grid; 5 ice categories; 7 ice, 5 snow layers)
E3SM-2-0-NARRM E3SM-Project 2022 CMIP Published E3SM 2.0 NARRM E3SM 2.0 NARRM (Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 2.0 North American Regionally Refined Model) EAM (v2.0, Dynamics: cubed sphere spectral-element grid, 130,088 columns; Physics: 2x2 finite volume cells within each spectral element, 57,816 columns. N. American (NA): 25 to 100 km; outside ~100 km. 72 vertical layers w/ top at 60 km) 100 km MPAS-Ocean (E3SMv2.0, WC14to60E2r5 unstructured SCVTs mesh with 407420 cells, 1240672 edges, NA: ~14 km; outside: 30 to 60 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none MAM4 w/ new resuspension, marine organics, secondary organics, and dust (atmos grid) Troposphere specified oxidants (except passive ozone with the lower boundary sink) for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (atmos grid) ELM (v1.0, satellite phenology mode, atmos grid), MOSART (v1.0, 0.125 degree latitude/longitude) none MPAS-Seaice (E3SMv2.0, ocean grid, variable resolution 30 to 60 km; 5 ice categories; 7 ice, 5 snow layers)
E3SM-2-1 E3SM-Project 2024 CMIP Published E3SM 2.1 E3SM 2.1 (Energy Exascale Earth System Model) EAM (E3SMv2.1, cubed sphere spectral-element; 5400 els., 30x30 per cube face. Dynamics: degree 3 (p=3) polynomials within each spectral els., 112 km ave. resolution. Physics: 2x2 finite volume cells within each spectral els., 1.5 degree (168 km) average grid spacing; 72 vertical layers w/ top at 60 km) 100 km MPAS-Ocean (E3SMv2.1, EC30to60E2r2 unstructured SVTs mesh with 236853 cells and 719506 edges, variable resolution 60 km to 30 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 50 km none none MAM4 w/ new resuspension, marine organics, secondary organics, and dust (atmos physics grid) Troposphere specified oxidants (except passive ozone with the lower boundary sink) for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (atmos physics grid) ELM (E3SMv2.1, atmos physics grid, satellite phenology mode), MOSART (E3SMv2.1, 0.5 deg lat/lon grid) none MPAS-Seaice (E3SMv2.1, MPAS-Ocean grid; 5 ice categories, 7 ice layers, 5 snow layers)
EC-Earth3 EC-Earth-Consortium 2019 CMIP CORDEX DAMIP DCPP DynVarMIP LS3MIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published EC-Earth3 EC Earth 3.3 IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) none LIM3
EC-Earth3-AerChem EC-Earth-Consortium 2019 AerChemMIP CMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published EC-Earth3-AerChem EC-Earth3-AerChem IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none TM5 (3 x 2 degrees; 120 x 90 longitude/latitude; 34 levels; top level: 0.1 hPa) TM5 (3 x 2 degrees; 120 x 90 longitude/latitude; 34 levels; top level: 0.1 hPa) HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) none LIM3
EC-Earth3-CC EC-Earth-Consortium 2019 C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP DCPP LUMIP OMIP ScenarioMIP Published EC-Earth3-CC EC-Earth3-CC IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none none TM5 (3 x 2 degrees; 120 x 90 longitude/latitude; 34 levels; top level: 0.1 hPa) HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) and LPJ-GUESS v4 PISCES v2 LIM3
EC-Earth3-ESM-1 EC-Earth-Consortium 2024 C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP DCPP LUMIP OMIP ScenarioMIP Published EC-Earth3-ESM-1 EC-Earth3-ESM-1 IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) and co2box v1.0 (CO2 box model; global grid) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) and MWE v1.0 (Melt Water Emulator; same grid as ocean for Antarctic surroundings) 100 km PISM v1.2 (5 km x 5 km for Greenland, 31 levels) 5 km none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) and LPJ-GUESS v4.1.2 (same grid as atmos) PISCES v2 (same grid as ocean) LIM3 (same grid as ocean)
EC-Earth3-HR EC-Earth-Consortium 2019 CMIP DCPP HighResMIP Published EC-Earth3-HR EC-Earth3-HR IFS cy36r4 (TL511, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 1024 x 512 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 50 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA025 tripolar primarily 0.25 degrees; 1442 x 1921 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) none LIM3
EC-Earth3-LR EC-Earth-Consortium 2019 CMIP PMIP Published EC-Earth3-LR EC-Earth3-LR IFS cy36r4 (TL159, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 320 x 160 longitude/latitude; 62 levels; top level 5 hPa) 250 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) none LIM3
EC-Earth3-Veg EC-Earth-Consortium 2019 CDRMIP CMIP CORDEX LS3MIP LUMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP Published EC-Earth3-Veg EC-Earth3-Veg IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) and LPJ-GUESS v4 none LIM3
EC-Earth3-Veg-LR EC-Earth-Consortium 2019 CMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP Published EC-Earth3-Veg-LR EC-Earth3-Veg-LR IFS cy36r4 (TL159, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 320 x 160 longitude/latitude; 62 levels; top level 5 hPa) 250 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) and LPJ-GUESS v4 none LIM3
EC-Earth3P EC-Earth-Consortium 2017 CMIP HighResMIP Published EC-Earth3P EC-Earth 3.2 in PRIMAVERA IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 100 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) none LIM3
EC-Earth3P-HR EC-Earth-Consortium 2017 HighResMIP Published EC-Earth3P-HR EC-Earth3P-HR in PRIMAVERA IFS cy36r4 (TL511, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 1024 x 512 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 50 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA025; tripolar primarily 0.25 degrees; 1442 x 1921 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) none LIM3
EC-Earth3P-VHR EC-Earth-Consortium 2017 HighResMIP Published EC-Earth3P-VHR EC-Earth3P-VHR in PRIMAVERA IFS cy36r4 (TL1279, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 2560 x 1280 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 25 km NEMO3.6 (ORCA012 tripolar primarily 0.08 degrees; 4322 x 3059 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 10 km none none none none HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) none LIM3
ECMWF-IFS-HR ECMWF 2017 HighResMIP Published ECMWF-IFS-HR ECMWF-IFS-HR (25 km atmosphere and 25 km ocean) IFS (IFS CY43R1, Tco399, cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 1600 x 800 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 25 km NEMO3.4 (NEMO v3.4; ORCA025 tripolar grid; 1442 x 1021 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none none none HTESSEL (as implemented in IFS CY43R1) none LIM2 (LIM v2; ORCA025 tripolar grid; 1442 x 1021 longitude/latitude)
ECMWF-IFS-LR ECMWF 2017 HighResMIP Published ECMWF-IFS-LR ECMWF-IFS-LR (50 km atmosphere and 100 km ocean) IFS (IFS CY43R1, Tco199, cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 800 x 400 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 50 km NEMO3.4 (NEMO v3.4; ORCA1 tripolar grid; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none none none HTESSEL (as implemented in IFS CY43R1) none LIM2 (LIM v2; ORCA1 tripolar grid; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude)
ECMWF-IFS-MR ECMWF 2017 HighResMIP Published ECMWF-IFS-MR ECMWF-IFS-MR (50 km atmosphere and 25 km ocean) IFS (IFS CY43R1, Tco199, cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 800 x 400 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 50 km NEMO3.4 (NEMO v3.4; ORCA025 tripolar grid; 1442 x 1021 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none none none HTESSEL (as implemented in IFS CY43R1) none LIM2 (LIM v2; ORCA025 tripolar grid; 1442 x 1021 longitude/latitude)
FGOALS-f3-H CAS 2017 CMIP HighResMIP OMIP Published FGOALS-f3-H FGOALS-f3-H FAMIL2.2 (Cubed-sphere, c384; 1440 x 720 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top level 2.16 hPa) 25 km LICOM3.0 (LICOM3.0, tripolar primarily 0.1deg; 3600 x 2302 longitude/latitude; 55 levels; top grid cell 0-5 m) 10 km none none none none CLM4.0 none CICE4.0
FGOALS-f3-L CAS 2017 CMIP DCPP GMMIP HighResMIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP Published FGOALS-f3-L FGOALS-f3-L FAMIL2.2 (Cubed-sphere, c96; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top level 2.16 hPa) 100 km LICOM3.0 (LICOM3.0, tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 218 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none none none CLM4.0 none CICE4.0
FGOALS-g3 CAS 2017 CMIP CORDEX DAMIP DCPP FAFMIP GMMIP LS3MIP OMIP PMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP Published FGOALS-g3 FGOALS-g3 GAMIL3 (180 x 80 longitude/latitude; 26 levels; top level 2.19hPa) 250 km LICOM3.0 (LICOM3.0, tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 218 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none none none CAS-LSM none CICE4.0
FIO-ESM-2-0 FIO-QLNM 2018 CMIP DCPP GMMIP OMIP ScenarioMIP SIMIP Published FIO-ESM 2.0 FIO-ESM 2.0 CAM4 (0.9x1.25 finite volume grid; 192 x 288 longitude/latitude; 26 levels; top level ~2 hPa) 100 km POP2-W (POP2 coupled with MASNUM surface wave model, Displaced Pole; 320 x 384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none Prescribed monthly fields none CLM4.0 (same grid at atmos) none CICE4.0 (same grid as ocean)
GFDL-AM4 NOAA-GFDL 2018 CMIP Published GFDL-AM4 GFDL-AM4 GFDL-AM4.0 (Cubed-sphere (c96) - 1 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 33 levels; top level 1 hPa) 100 km none none GFDL-LM4.0 100 km interactive fast chemistry, aerosol only GFDL-LM4.0 none none
GFDL-CM4 NOAA-GFDL 2018 CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP OMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published GFDL-CM4 GFDL-CM4 GFDL-AM4.0.1 (Cubed-sphere (c96) - 1 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 33 levels; top level 1 hPa) 100 km GFDL-OM4p25 (GFDL-MOM6, tripolar - nominal 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1080 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 25 km GFDL-LM4.0.1 100 km interactive fast chemistry, aerosol only GFDL-LM4.0.1 (1 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 20 levels; bottom level 10m); land-Veg:unnamed (dynamic vegetation, dynamic land use); land-Hydro:unnamed (soil water and ice, multi-layer snow, rivers and lakes) GFDL-BLINGv2 GFDL-SIM4p25 (GFDL-SIS2.0, tripolar - nominal 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1080 longitude/latitude; 5 layers; 5 thickness categories)
GFDL-CM4C192 NOAA-GFDL 2018 HighResMIP Published GFDL-CM4C192 GFDL-CM4C192 GFDL-AM4C192 (Cubed-sphere (c192) - 0.5 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 720 x 360 longitude/latitude; 33 levels; top level 1 hPa) 50 km GFDL-OM4p25 (GFDL-MOM6, tripolar - nominal 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1080 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 25 km GFDL-LM4.0.1 50 km interactive fast chemistry, aerosol only GFDL-LM4.0.1 none GFDL-SIM4p25 (GFDL-SIS2.0, tripolar - nominal 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1080 longitude/latitude; 5 layers; 5 thickness categories)
GFDL-ESM2M NOAA-GFDL 2012 FAFMIP Published GFDL-ESM2M GFDL-ESM2M GFDL-AM2 (144 x 90 longitude/latitude; 24 levels; top level 1 hPa) 250 km GFDL-MOM4p1 (tripolar - nominal 1 deg; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km GFDL-LM3.0 250 km prescribed prescribed GFDL-LM3.0 GFDL-TOPAZ2 GFDL-SIM2 (GFDL-SIS, tripolar - nominal 1 deg; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude; 3 layers; 5 thickness categories)
GFDL-ESM4 NOAA-GFDL 2018 AerChemMIP C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP DAMIP DynVarMIP FAFMIP LUMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published GFDL-ESM4 GFDL-ESM4 GFDL-AM4.1 (Cubed-sphere (c96) - 1 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 49 levels; top level 1 Pa) 100 km GFDL-OM4p5 (GFDL-MOM6, tripolar - nominal 0.5 deg; 720 x 576 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 50 km GFDL-LM4.1 100 km interactive GFDL-ATMCHEM4.1 (full atmospheric chemistry) GFDL-LM4.1 GFDL-COBALTv2 GFDL-SIM4p5 (GFDL-SIS2.0, tripolar - nominal 0.5 deg; 720 x 576 longitude/latitude; 5 layers; 5 thickness categories)
GFDL-GRTCODE NOAA-GFDL 2019 RFMIP Published GFDL-GRTCODE GFDL GPU radiative transfer code with two stream solver (March 2019) none none none none none none none none none none none
GFDL-OM4p5B NOAA-GFDL 2018 OMIP Published GFDL-OM4p5B GFDL-OM4p5B none none GFDL-OM4p5 (GFDL-MOM6, tripolar - nominal 0.5 deg; 720 x 576 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 50 km none none none none none GFDL-BLINGv2 GFDL-SIM4p5 (GFDL-SIS2.0, tripolar - nominal 0.5 deg; 720 x 576 longitude/latitude; 5 layers; 5 thickness categories)
GFDL-RFM-DISORT NOAA-GFDL 2019 RFMIP Published GFDL-RFM-DISORT GFDL Reference Forward Model Line-by-Line with DISORT solver (March 2019) none none none none none none none none none none none
GISS-E2-1-G NASA-GISS 2019 AerChemMIP C4MIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published GISS-E2.1G GISS-E2.1G GISS-E2.1 (2.5x2 degree; 144 x 90 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top level 0.1 hPa) 250 km GISS Ocean (GO1, 1 degree; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none Varies with physics-version (p==1 none, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) Varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI) GISS LSM none GISS SI
GISS-E2-1-G-CC NASA-GISS 2019 C4MIP CMIP ScenarioMIP Published GISS-E2-1-G-CC GISS-E2-1-G-CC GISS-E2.1 (2 x 2.5 degrees; 144 x 90 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top level 0.1 hPa) 250 km GISS Ocean (1 deg; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-10m) 100 km Fixed 250 km varies with physics-version (p==1 none, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI) GISS LSM NOBM (NASA Ocean Biogeochemistry Model; same grid as ocean) GISS SI (same grid as ocean)
GISS-E2-1-H NASA-GISS 2019 AerChemMIP CFMIP CMIP OMIP PAMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP Published GISS-E2.1H GISS-E2.1H GISS-E2.1 (2.5x2 degree; 144 x 90 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top level 0.1 hPa) 250 km HYCOM Ocean (~1 degree tripolar grid; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 33 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none Varies with physics-version (p==1 none, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) Varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI) GISS LSM none GISS SI
GISS-E2-2-G NASA-GISS 2019 AerChemMIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published GISS-E2-2-G GISS-E2-2-G GISS-E2.2 (High-top, 2 x 2.5 degrees; 144 x 90 longitude/latitude; 102 levels; top level 0.002 hPa) 250 km GISS Ocean (GO1, 1 degree; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-10m) 100 km Fixed 250 km varies with physics-version (p==1 none, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI) GISS LSM none GISS SI
GISS-E2-2-H NASA-GISS 2021 CFMIP CMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP Published GISS-E2.2H GISS-E2.2H GISS-E2.2 (High Top, 2.5x2 degree; 144 x 90 longitude/latitude; 102 levels; top level 0.002 hPa) 250 km HYCOM Ocean (~1 degree tripolar grid; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 33 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none Varies with physics-version (p==1 none, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) Varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI) GISS LSM none GISS SI (same grid as atmos)
GISS-E3-G NASA-GISS 2020 AerChemMIP C4MIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published GISS-E3-G GISS-E3-G GISS-E3 (Cubed sphere, C90; 90 x 90 x 6 gridboxes/cubeface, grid resolution aligns with longitude/latitude along central lines for each cubeface; 102 levels; top level 0.002 hPa) 100 km GISS Ocean (1 degree; 360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none Varies with physics-version (p==1 none, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) Varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI) GISS LSM none GISS SI
HadGEM3-GC31-HH MOHC NERC 2016 CMIP HighResMIP Published HadGEM3-GC31-HH HadGEM3-GC3.1-N512ORCA12 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N512; 1024 x 768 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 50 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA12 tripolar primarily 1/12 deg; 4320 x 3604 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 10 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA12 tripolar primarily 1/12 deg; 4320 x 3604 longitude/latitude)
HadGEM3-GC31-HM MOHC NERC 2016 CMIP HighResMIP Published HadGEM3-GC31-HM HadGEM3-GC3.1-N512ORCA025 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N512; 1024 x 768 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 50 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA025 tripolar primarily 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1205 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA025 tripolar primarily 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1205 longitude/latitude)
HadGEM3-GC31-LL MOHC NERC 2016 CFMIP CMIP DAMIP FAFMIP HighResMIP LS3MIP LUMIP PMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published HadGEM3-GC31-LL HadGEM3-GC3.1-N96ORCA1 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 250 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude)
HadGEM3-GC31-LM MOHC 2016 CMIP HighResMIP Published HadGEM3-GC31-LM HadGEM3-GC3.1-N96ORCA025 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 250 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA025 tripolar primarily 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1205 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA025 tripolar primarily 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1205 longitude/latitude)
HadGEM3-GC31-MH MOHC 2016 CMIP HighResMIP Published HadGEM3-GC31-MH HadGEM3-GC3.1-N216ORCA12 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N216; 432 x 324 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 100 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA12 tripolar primarily 1/12 deg; 4320 x 3604 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 10 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA12 tripolar primarily 1/12 deg; 4320 x 3604 longitude/latitude)
HadGEM3-GC31-MM MOHC 2016 CMIP DCPP GMMIP HighResMIP LS3MIP OMIP PAMIP ScenarioMIP Published HadGEM3-GC31-MM HadGEM3-GC3.1-N216ORCA025 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N216; 432 x 324 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 100 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA025 tripolar primarily 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1205 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 25 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA025 tripolar primarily 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1205 longitude/latitude)
HiRAM-SIT-HR AS-RCEC 2018 HighResMIP Published HiRAM-SIT-HR HiRAM Coupling 1-D SIT (25 km atmosphere and 25 km ocean) GFDL-HiRAM (Cubed-sphere (c384) - 0.25 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 1536 x 768 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top level 1 hPa) 25 km SIT (1-D, tripolar - nominal 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1080 longitude/latitude; 50 levels with skin layer and 1 m resolution for uppermost 10 m) 25 km none none none none GFDL-LM3 (same grid as atmos) none none
HiRAM-SIT-LR AS-RCEC 2018 HighResMIP Published HiRAM-SIT-LR HiRAM Coupling 1-D SIT (50 km atmosphere and 25 km ocean) GFDL-HiRAM (Cubed-sphere (c192) - 0.5 degree nominal horizontal resolution; 768 x 384 longitude/latitude; 32 levels; top level 1 hPa) 50 km SIT (1-D, tripolar - nominal 0.25 deg; 1440 x 1080 longitude/latitude; 50 levels with skin layer and 1 m resolution for uppermost 10 m) 25 km none none none none GFDL-LM3 (same grid as atmos) none none
ICON-ESM-LR MPI-M 2017 CMIP OMIP SIMIP Published ICON-ESM-LR ICON-ESM-LR ICON-A (icosahedral/triangles; 160 km; 47 levels; top level 80 km) 250 km ICON-O (icosahedral/triangles; 40 km; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-12 m) 50 km none/prescribed none none, prescribed MACv2-SP none JSBACH4.20 HAMOCC unnamed (thermodynamic (Semtner zero-layer) dynamic (Hibler 79) sea ice model)
IITM-ESM CCCR-IITM 2015 CMIP GMMIP ScenarioMIP Published IITM-ESM IITM-ESM IITM-GFSv1 (T62L64, Linearly Reduced Gaussian Grid; 192 x 94 longitude/latitude; 64 levels; top level 0.2 mb) 250 km MOM4p1 (tripolar, primarily 1deg; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none prescribed MAC-v2 none NOAH LSMv2.7.1 TOPAZv2.0 SISv1.0
INM-CM4-8 INM 2016 CMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP Published INM-CM4-8 INM-CM4-8 INM-AM4-8 (2x1.5; 180 x 120 longitude/latitude; 21 levels; top level sigma = 0.01) 100 km INM-OM5 (North Pole shifted to 60N, 90E; 360 x 318 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; sigma vertical coordinate) 100 km none none INM-AER1 none INM-LND1 none INM-ICE1
INM-CM5-0 INM 2016 CMIP ScenarioMIP Published INM-CM5-0 INM-CM5-0 INM-AM5-0 (2x1.5; 180 x 120 longitude/latitude; 73 levels; top level sigma = 0.0002) 100 km INM-OM5 (North Pole shifted to 60N, 90E. 0.5x0.25; 720 x 720 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; vertical sigma coordinate) 50 km none none INM-AER1 none INM-LND1 none INM-ICE1
INM-CM5-H INM 2016 CMIP HighResMIP Published INM-CM5-H INM-CM5-H INM-AM5-H (0.67x0.5; 540 x 360 longitude/latitude; 73 levels; top level sigma = 0.0002) 50 km INM-OM5-H (North Pole shifted to 60N, 90E. 0.167x0.125; 2160x1440 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; vertical sigma coordinate) 10 km none none INM-AER1 none INM-LND1 none INM-ICE1
IPSL-CM5A2-INCA IPSL 2019 AerChemMIP LUMIP ScenarioMIP Published IPSL-CM5A2-INCA IPSL-CM5A2-INCA LMDZ (APv5; 96 x 96 longitude/latitude; 39 levels; top level 80000 m) 500 km NEMO-OPA (v3.6, ORCA2 tripolar primarily 2deg; 182 x 149 longitude/latitude; 31 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 250 km none none INCA v6 NMHC-AER-S INCA v6 NMHC-AER-S ORCHIDEE (IPSLCM5A2.1, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) NEMO-PISCES NEMO-LIM2
IPSL-CM6A-ATM-HR IPSL 2018 HighResMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-ATM-HR IPSL-CM6A-ATM-HR LMDZ (NPv6, N256; 512 x 360 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 50 km none none none none none none ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) none none
IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-HR IPSL 2021 HighResMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-HR IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-HR DYNAMICO-LMDZ (NPv6; 256000-point icosahedral-hexagonal; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 50 km none none none none none none ORCHIDEE (v2.2, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) none none
IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-LR IPSL 2021 HighResMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-LR IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-LR DYNAMICO-LMDZ (NPv6; 16000-point icosahedral-hexagonal; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 250 km none none none none none none ORCHIDEE (v2.2, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) none none
IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-MR IPSL 2021 HighResMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-MR IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-MR DYNAMICO-LMDZ (NPv6; 64000-point icosahedral-hexagonal; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 100 km none none none none none none ORCHIDEE (v2.2, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) none none
IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-VHR IPSL 2021 HighResMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-VHR IPSL-CM6A-ATM-ICO-VHR DYNAMICO-LMDZ (NPv6; 1024000-point icosahedral-hexagonal; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 25 km none none none none none none ORCHIDEE (v2.2, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) none none
IPSL-CM6A-ATM-LR-REPROBUS IPSL 2021 AerChemMIP Registered IPSL-CM6A-ATM-LR-REPROBUS IPSL-CM6A-ATM-LR-REPROBUS LMDZ (NPv6 ; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 250 km none none none none LMDZ (NPv6 ; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) REPROBUS v6 (same grid as atmos) none none none
IPSL-CM6A-LR IPSL 2017 AerChemMIP C4MIP CDRMIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DCPP FAFMIP GMMIP GeoMIP HighResMIP LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP VolMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-LR IPSL-CM6A-LR LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 250 km NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none none none ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) NEMO-PISCES NEMO-LIM3
IPSL-CM6A-LR-INCA IPSL 2019 AerChemMIP RFMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-LR-INCA IPSL-CM6A-LR-INCA LMDZ (NPv6 ; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 250 km NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none INCA v6 AER none ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode) NEMO-PISCES NEMO-LIM3
IPSL-CM6A-MR1 IPSL 2021 CMIP Published IPSL-CM6A-MR1 IPSL-CM6A-MR1 LMDZ (NPv6; 256 x 256 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 80000 m) 100 km NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none none none ORCHIDEE (v2.2, Water/Carbon/Energy mode; same grid as atmos) NEMO-PISCES (same grid as ocean) NEMO-LIM3 (same grid as ocean)
KACE-1-0-G NIMS-KMA 2018 CMIP ScenarioMIP Published KACE1.0-G KACE1.0-GLOMAP MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 250 km MOM4p1 (tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-HadGEM3-GL7.1 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude)
KIOST-ESM KIOST 2018 C4MIP CMIP DynVarMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP Published KIOST-ESM KIOST Earth System Model v2 GFDL-AM2.0 (cubed sphere (C48); 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 32 vertical levels; top level 2 hPa) 250 km GFDL-MOM5.0 (tripolar - nominal 1.0 deg; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude; 52 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m; NK mixed layer scheme) 100 km NCAR-CLM4 250 km none Simple carbon aerosol model (emission type) NCAR-CLM4 TOPAZ2 GFDL-SIS
LBLRTM-12-8 AER 2017 RFMIP Published LBLRTM 12.8 Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model v12.8, aer_v_3.6, MT_CKD_3.2 none none none none none none none none none none none
MCM-UA-1-0 UA 1991 CMIP FAFMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP Published MCM-UA-1-0 Manabe Climate Model v1.0 - University of Arizona R30L14 (3.75 X 2.5 degree (long-lat) configuration; 96 x 80 longitude/latitude; 14 levels; top level 0.015 sigma, 15 mb) 250 km MOM1.0 (MOM1, 1.875 X 2.5 deg; 192 x 80 longitude/latitude; 18 levels; top grid cell 0-40 m) 250 km Specified location - invariant in time, has high albedo and latent heat capacity 250 km Modifies surface albedoes (Haywood et al. 1997, doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(1997)010<1562:GCMCOT>2.0.CO;2) none Standard Manabe bucket hydrology scheme (Manabe 1969, doi: 10.1175/1520-0493(1969)097<0739:CATOC>2.3.CO;2) none Thermodynamic ice model (free drift dynamics)
MIROC-ES2H MIROC 2018 AerChemMIP C4MIP CMIP DynVarMIP GeoMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB Published MIROC-ES2H MIROC-ES2H CCSR AGCM (T85; 256 x 128 longitude/latitude; 81 levels; top level 0.004 hPa) 250 km COCO4.9 (tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 256 longitude/latitude; 63 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none SPRINTARS6.0 CHASER4.0 (T42; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 81 levels; top level 0.004 hPa) MATSIRO6.0+VISIT-e ver.1.0 OECO ver.2.0; NPZD-type with C/N/P/Fe/O cycles COCO4.9
MIROC-ES2H-NB MIROC 2019 AerChemMIP CMIP Published MIROC-ES2H-NB MIROC-ES2H with No BiogenicCycle CCSR AGCM (T85; 256 x 128 longitude/latitude; 81 levels; top level 0.004 hPa) 250 km COCO4.9 (tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 256 longitude/latitude; 63 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none SPRINTARS6.0 CHASER4.0 (T42; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 81 levels; top level 0.004 hPa) MATSIRO6 none COCO4.9
MIROC-ES2L MIROC 2018 C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP DAMIP DynVarMIP GeoMIP LUMIP OMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB VolMIP Published MIROC-ES2L MIROC-ES2L CCSR AGCM (T42; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top level 3 hPa) 500 km COCO4.9 (tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 256 longitude/latitude; 63 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none SPRINTARS6.0 none MATSIRO6.0+VISIT-e ver.1.0 OECO ver.2.0; NPZD-type with C/N/P/Fe/O cycles COCO4.9
MIROC6 MIROC 2017 AerChemMIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DCPP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP HighResMIP LS3MIP OMIP PAMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VIACSAB Published MIROC6 MIROC6 CCSR AGCM (T85; 256 x 128 longitude/latitude; 81 levels; top level 0.004 hPa) 250 km COCO4.9 (tripolar primarily 1deg; 360 x 256 longitude/latitude; 63 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none SPRINTARS6.0 none MATSIRO6.0 none COCO4.9
MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM HAMMOZ-Consortium 2017 AerChemMIP CMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published MPI-ESM1.2-HAM MPI-ESM1.2-HAM ECHAM6.3 (spectral T63; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 47 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 250 km MPIOM1.63 (bipolar GR1.5, approximately 1.5deg; 256 x 220 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-12 m) 250 km none none HAM2.3 sulfur chemistry (unnamed) JSBACH 3.20 HAMOCC6 unnamed (thermodynamic (Semtner zero-layer) dynamic (Hibler 79) sea ice model)
MPI-ESM1-2-HR MPI-M DWD DKRZ 2017 CMIP CORDEX DCPP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GeoMIP HighResMIP OMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VolMIP Published MPI-ESM1.2-HR MPI-ESM1.2-HR ECHAM6.3 (spectral T127; 384 x 192 longitude/latitude; 95 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 100 km MPIOM1.63 (tripolar TP04, approximately 0.4deg; 802 x 404 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-12 m) 50 km none/prescribed none none, prescribed MACv2-SP none JSBACH3.20 HAMOCC6 unnamed (thermodynamic (Semtner zero-layer) dynamic (Hibler 79) sea ice model)
MPI-ESM1-2-LR MPI-M AWI DKRZ DWD 2017 C4MIP CDRMIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DCPP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP GeoMIP ISMIP6 LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VolMIP Published MPI-ESM1.2-LR MPI-ESM1.2-LR ECHAM6.3 (spectral T63; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 47 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 250 km MPIOM1.63 (bipolar GR1.5, approximately 1.5deg; 256 x 220 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-12 m) 250 km none/prescribed none none, prescribed MACv2-SP none JSBACH3.20 HAMOCC6 unnamed (thermodynamic (Semtner zero-layer) dynamic (Hibler 79) sea ice model)
MPI-ESM1-2-XR MPI-M 2017 HighResMIP Published MPI-ESM1.2-XR MPI-ESM1.2-XR ECHAM6.3 (spectral T255; 768 x 384 longitude/latitude; 95 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 50 km MPIOM1.63 (tripolar TP04, approximately 0.4deg; 802 x 404 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-12 m) 50 km none/prescribed none none, prescribed MACv2-SP none JSBACH3.20 HAMOCC6 unnamed (thermodynamic (Semtner zero-layer) dynamic (Hibler 79) sea ice model)
MRI-AGCM3-2-H MRI 2017 DynVarMIP HighResMIP Published MRI-AGCM3-2-H MRI-AGCM3-2-H MRI-AGCM3.2H (TL319; 640 x 320 longitude/latitude; 64 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 50 km none none none none Prescribed from MRI-ESM2.0 none SIB0109 none none
MRI-AGCM3-2-S MRI 2017 CMIP DynVarMIP HighResMIP Published MRI-AGCM3-2-S MRI-AGCM3-2-S MRI-AGCM3.2S (TL959; 1920 x 960 longitude/latitude; 64 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 25 km none none none none Prescribed from MRI-ESM2.0 none SIB0109 none none
MRI-ESM2-0 MRI 2017 AerChemMIP C4MIP CFMIP CMIP CORDEX DAMIP DCPP DynVarMIP FAFMIP GMMIP GeoMIP LS3MIP OMIP PMIP RFMIP SIMIP ScenarioMIP VolMIP Published MRI-ESM2.0 MRI-ESM2.0 MRI-AGCM3.5 (TL159; 320 x 160 longitude/latitude; 80 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) 100 km MRI.COM4.4 (tripolar primarily 0.5 deg latitude/1 deg longitude with meridional refinement down to 0.3 deg within 10 degrees north and south of the equator; 360 x 364 longitude/latitude; 61 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m) 100 km none none MASINGAR mk2r4 (TL95; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 80 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) MRI-CCM2.1 (T42; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 80 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) HAL 1.0 MRI.COM4.4 MRI.COM4.4
NESM3 NUIST 2016 CMIP DAMIP DCPP GMMIP GeoMIP PMIP ScenarioMIP VolMIP Published NESM v3 NUIST ESM v3 ECHAM v6.3 (T63; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 47 levels; top level 1 Pa) 250 km NEMO v3.4 (NEMO v3.4, tripolar primarily 1deg; 384 x 362 longitude/latitude; 46 levels; top grid cell 0-6 m) 100 km none none none none JSBACH v3.1 none CICE4.1
NICAM16-7S MIROC 2017 CMIP DynVarMIP HighResMIP Published NICAM16-7S NICAM.16 gl07-L38 with NSW6 NICAM.16 (56km icosahedral grid; 163,842 grid cells (=10*4^7+2); 38 levels; top level 40 km) 100 km none none none none Prescribed MACv2-SP none MATSIRO6 (w/o MOSAIC) none Fixed
NICAM16-8S MIROC 2017 CMIP DynVarMIP HighResMIP Published NICAM16-8S NICAM.16 gl08-L38 with NSW6 NICAM.16 (28km icosahedral grid; 655,362 grid cells (=10*4^8+2); 38 levels; top level 40 km) 50 km none none none none Prescribed MACv2-SP none MATSIRO6 (w/o MOSAIC) none Fixed
NICAM16-9S MIROC 2017 CMIP DynVarMIP HighResMIP Published NICAM16-9S NICAM.16 gl09-L38 with NSW6 NICAM.16 (14km icosahedral grid; 2,621,442 grid cells (=10*4^9+2); 38 levels; top level 40 km) 25 km none none none none Prescribed MACv2-SP none MATSIRO6 (w/o MOSAIC) none Fixed
NorCPM1 NCC 2019 CMIP DCPP Published NorCPM1 Norwegian Climate Prediction Model version 1 CAM-OSLO4.1 (2 degree resolution; 144 x 96 longitude/latitude; 26 levels; top level ~2 hPa) 250 km MICOM1.1 (1 degree resolution; 320 x 384 longitude/latitude; 53 levels; top grid cell 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data]) 100 km none none OsloAero4.1 (same grid as atmos) OsloChemSimp4.1 (same grid as atmos) CLM4 (same grid as atmos) HAMOCC5.1 (same grid as ocean) CICE4 (same grid as ocean)
NorESM1-F NCC 2018 CMIP PMIP Published NorESM1-F NorESM1-F (a fast version of NorESM that is designed for paleo and multi-ensemble simulations) CAM4 (2 degree resolution; 144 x 96; 32 levels; top level 3 mb) 250 km MICOM (1 degree resolution; 360 x 384; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data]) 100 km CISM 250 km none none CLM4 HAMOCC5.1 CICE4
NorESM2-LM NCC 2017 AerChemMIP C4MIP CDRMIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP DCPP LUMIP OMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP VolMIP Published NorESM2-LM NorESM2-LM (low atmosphere-medium ocean resolution, GHG concentration driven) CAM-OSLO (2 degree resolution; 144 x 96; 32 levels; top level 3 mb) 250 km MICOM (1 degree resolution; 360 x 384; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data]) 100 km CISM 250 km OsloAero OsloChemSimp CLM HAMOCC CICE
NorESM2-MM NCC 2017 AerChemMIP CFMIP CMIP DAMIP OMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published NorESM2-MM NorESM2-MM (medium atmosphere-medium ocean resolution, GHG concentration driven) CAM-OSLO (1 degree resolution; 288 x 192; 32 levels; top level 3 mb) 100 km MICOM (1 degree resolution; 360 x 384; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data]) 100 km CISM 100 km OsloAero OsloChemSimp CLM HAMOCC CICE
PCMDI-test-1-0 PCMDI 1989 CMIP Registered PCMDI-test 1.0 PCMDI-test 1.0 (This entry is free text for users to contribute verbose information) Earth1.0-gettingHotter (360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top level 0.1 mb) 1x1 degree BlueMarble1.0-warming (360 x 180 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 1x1 degree none none none none Earth1.0 none Declining1.0-warming (360 x 180 longitude/latitude)
RRTMG-LW-4-91 AER 2017 RFMIP Published RRTMG-LW 4.91 RRTM for GCMs v4.91, longwave none none none none none none none none none none none
RRTMG-SW-4-02 AER 2017 RFMIP Published RRTMG-SW 4.02 RRTM for GCMs v4.02, shortwave none none none none none none none none none none none
RTE-RRTMGP-181204 RTE-RRTMGP-Consortium 2019 RFMIP Published RTE+RRTMGP (2018-12-04 full-resolution) Radiative Transfer for Energetics using RRTM for GCM applications - Parallel (2018-12-04 full-resolution) none none none none none none none none none none none
SAM0-UNICON SNU 2017 CMIP ScenarioMIP Published SAM0-UNICON SAM0-UNICON (SNU Atmosphere Model version 0 with Unified Convection Scheme) CAM5.3 with UNICON (1deg; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top level ~2 hPa) 100 km POP2 (Displaced Pole; 320 x 384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none MAM3 none CLM4.0 none CICE4.0
TaiESM1 AS-RCEC 2018 AerChemMIP CFMIP CMIP GMMIP LUMIP PAMIP PMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP Published TaiESM 1.0 Taiwan Earth System Model 1.0 TaiAM1 (0.9x1.25 degree; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top level ~2 hPa) 100 km POP2 (320x384 longitude/latitude; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none SNAP (same grid as atmos) SNAP (same grid as atmos) CLM4.0 (same grid as atmos) none CICE4
TaiESM1-TIMCOM NTU 2020 CMIP OMIP Published TaiESM1-TIMCOM Taiwan Earth System Model 1.0 using TIMCOM ocean model TaiAM1 (0.9x1.25 degree; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top level ~2 hPa) 100 km TIMCOM (TIMCOMv1.7, primarily 1deg; 360 x 288 longitude/latitude; 45 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none SNAP (same grid as atmos) SNAP (same grid as atmos) CLM4.0 (same grid as atmos) none CICE4
TaiESM1-TIMCOM2 NTU 2021 CMIP OMIP Published TaiESM1-TIMCOM2 Taiwan Earth System Model 1.0 using TIMCOM ocean model 2.0 TaiAM1 (0.9x1.25 degree; 288 x 192 longitude/latitude; 30 levels; top level ~2 hPa) 100 km TIMCOM (TIMCOMv2.2, primarily 1deg; 320 x 288 longitude/latitude; 55 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) 100 km none none SNAP (same grid as atmos) SNAP (same grid as atmos) CLM4.0 (same grid as atmos) none CICE4 (same grid as ocean)
UKESM1-0-LL MOHC NERC NIMS-KMA NIWA 2018 AerChemMIP C4MIP CDRMIP CMIP DAMIP GeoMIP LS3MIP LUMIP OMIP PMIP RFMIP ScenarioMIP VolMIP Published UKESM1.0-LL UKESM1.0-N96ORCA1 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 250 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode UKCA-StratTrop JULES-ES-1.0 MEDUSA2 CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude)
UKESM1-1-LL MOHC NERC NIMS-KMA NIWA 2021 CMIP ScenarioMIP Published UKESM1.1-LL UKESM1.1-N96ORCA1 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 250 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km none none UKCA-GLOMAP-mode UKCA-StratTrop JULES-ES-1.0 MEDUSA2 CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude)
UKESM1-ice-LL MOHC NERC 2019 ISMIP6 Published UKESM1.ice-LL UKESM1.ice-N96ORCA1 MetUM-HadGEM3-GA7.1 (N96; 192 x 144 longitude/latitude; 85 levels; top level 85 km) 250 km NEMO-HadGEM3-GO6.0 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m) 100 km BISICLES-UKESM-ISMIP6-1.0 5 km UKCA-GLOMAP-mode none JULES-ISMIP6-1.0 none CICE-HadGEM3-GSI8 (eORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 deg; 360 x 330 longitude/latitude)